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    Jennifer Lawrence's Early Modeling Pics: Photog Says Oscar Winner "Moved Like Gisele"

    Jennifer Lawrence's Early Modeling Pics: Photog Says Oscar Winner "Moved Like Gisele" In case you had your doubts, Jennifer Lawrence has been gorgeous—and fabulously photogenic—for a very long time. Oh, and her personality isn't too bad,...
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    Who Knew Mixing Nature and Fashion Photography Could Make Such Beautiful Art? [Photog

    Much like a Reeces cup, an unexpected mix can sometimes generate something greater than its individual ingredients. Artist Matt Wisniewski skillfully wields his enviro-fanshionista influences to create these incredible pieces of overlaid art. [Matt Wisniewski via Colossal via Peta Pixel] More »
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    Lens Bracelets Are the Ultimate Stocking Stuffer for Your Fave Photog [Photography]

    You could buy your photographer friend a nice new lens this holiday season—and drop several hundred bucks—or you could buy one of these charming lens bracelets. Not exactly, say, functional, but totally more cute!—and cooler than Silly Bandz. More »