
  1. T

    persians:i was watching "Iran music"and there was a song called"biya ba man"?

    persians:i was watching "Iran music"and there was a song called"biya ba man"? i was watching a song and the song name was "biya ba man",it was not a sad song!if u watch "next persian start",there is a song in this program which says"Romba ..din..."(idon't know what it says:D) the song name was...
  2. T

    persians:i was watching "Iran music"and there was a song called"biya ba man"?

    persians:i was watching "Iran music"and there was a song called"biya ba man"? i was watching a song and the song name was "biya ba man",it was not a sad song!if u watch "next persian start",there is a song in this program which says"Romba ..din..."(idon't know what it says:D) the song name was...