
  1. S

    Why is the Abrahamic God of Chritianity , Judaism & Islam always perceived... a male figure? I mean, wouldn't God be beyond the boundaries of gender classification. Just as likely to be a She , or an IT , THEY OR THEM or NONE OF THE ABOVE Ive always wondered this I suppose you can also flip this and say that if God is a male , which is to say that he has a penis...
  2. T

    Consumers' Perceived Health Risk May Be Influenced By The Price Of Medicine

    Consumers assume their risk of getting a serious illness is higher when medications are cheaper because they believe that prices for life-saving products are based on need and not profit, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. "When consumers see lower prices for a...
  3. T

    Knowledge Gap In Perceived Health Risks Revealed By Long-Term Study Of Cigarette And

    People who smoke both cigarettes and waterpipes - dual users - lack sufficient knowledge about the risks of tobacco smoking and are at considerable risk for dependence and tobacco-related diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and stroke later in life, according to findings of a new study by...
  4. J

    Are most large truck/SUV purchases more about BIRGing for perceived prowess vs.

    actual utility? BIRG = basking in reflected glory (see psychology) Who truly needs all that cargo space when so many of them are work commuters? Who really wants to shell out ridiculous amounts for fuel? Why are so many "off road" SUVs routinely spotless with shiny rims? And why would anyone...
  5. T

    Perceived Life-threat Affects Mental Health

    Feeling like your life is in danger during an accident or disaster can have long-term negative effects on health whether or not the threat to your life was real. This is one of the results of a new doctoral thesis from Sweden's Karolinska Institutet on the experiences and mental health of...
  6. M

    Are many Muslims exhibiting hypocracy complaining about the perceived intolerance of

    America towards Muslims? What do you think? Maybe a little perspective is needed. Many say that 'the West' and and America specifically needs to be more tolerant and understanding of other cultures and faiths. It seems that there may be an inequality of 'tolerance' between the West and the...