
  1. G

    Partial livers from deceased donors saving the lives of infants

    New research reveals that transplantation of partial livers from deceased adult and teen donors has become less risky for infants and young children, helping to save these young lives. Findings published online in Liver Transplantation, a journal of the American Association for the Study of...
  2. T

    The Long-Lasting Positive Effects Of Healthy Diets, Even With Partial Weight Regain

    Mediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets have lasting, healthy effects, even with partial weight regain, according to a follow-up study by researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Israel's Nuclear Research Center. The results were published in a peer-reviewed letter in the...
  3. T

    Partial Screen Caps With Mac?

    I'm new to Mac, so I need to know how to capture an area of the screen. I know it's Command+Control+Shift+4, and I'm then allowed to selected an area, but then as soon as I've dragged over the area I want and let go of the mouse button, the whole thing disappears and nothing is saved. Where am I...
  4. A

    Why is my Motorola Devour sending partial or blank msgs?

    A friend of mine has just given me a (practically new) Motorola Devour. Her brother-in-law was using it and switched providers leaving her with the phone. When I txt her phone (Verizon) she receives a "2/2" and the end of the msg that I sent.. Also when I txt another phone (StraightTalk) blank...
  5. C

    What's the name of this song? (partial lyrics and what not included in details!)?

    Woman's voice for vocals...something about "dancing" I think I heard "stalker" and I heard the word "remedy" several times, but nothing right came up when I Google'd it / Youtube'd it. It sounded like a dance / techno song... Any ideas?
  6. E

    Motorola Back flip partial water damage help: NO RUDE COMMENTS?

    I bought a Motorola back flip and i really like the phone even though AT&T crippled it. Anyway I was washing dishes bout two months ago and had the phone too close to the sink and i knocked it in. The phone was submerged for less than two sec. I took the battery out immediately and dried it with...
  7. T

    Can A Meeting Continue During A Partial Change of Leadership? Robert's Rules

    Question? I am part of an organization that follows Robert's Rules of Order. We currently have a situation where part of the membership terms (as both members and officers) ended June 30th, and while the new membership took office started the first meeting in July, the new officers will not be...
  8. M

    is partial payment allowed in airlink travels?

    Is it legal that an employer will pay 95% of the full payment to airlink travels, and wait for the 5% coming from the own pocket of a supposed employee being hired from a foreign country?
  9. M

    is partial payment allowed in airlink travels?

    Is it legal that an employer will pay 95% of the full payment to airlink travels, and wait for the 5% coming from the own pocket of a supposed employee being hired from a foreign country?
  10. T

    Partial Lung Removal Favorable Over Full Removal As Treatment For Lung Cancer Accordi

    Research published in the April edition of the Journal of Thoracic Oncology sought to compare the outcomes of a sleeve lobectomy and a pneumonectomy procedure, in order to determine which is a more acceptable standard treatment for patients with non-small cell lung cancer. A pneumonectomy...
  11. L

    How much does the samsung comeback cost if you have a partial upgrade?

    doyou like it? is easy to have in pockets and stuff? just tell me how it is for you.... thanks
  12. L

    How much does the samsung comeback cost if you have a partial upgrade?

    doyou like it? is easy to have in pockets and stuff? just tell me how it is for you.... thanks
  13. S

    Can I sell partial interest in my home?

    I am unemployed and finding it difficult to meet my mortgage obligations. My (well-off) daughter has offered to purchase, as an investment, a 25% interest in my home to help me out, figuring that when I sell in 10-15 years (retirement age) her 25% of the proceeds will deliver a nice little...
  14. Jordan

    Is it possible to open partial torrent downloads from limewire with Utorrent?

    I have started a large download over 50 gigs, over a month ago and im about 65% done in limewire, but i switched from opening torrents with limewire and i now use utorrent. Utorrent is much faster. can i open the limewire partial file in utorrent, and if so how?
  15. M

    Assume the nth partial sum of series ?An (n=1 to infinity) is the following:...

    ...Sn=(n-2)/(n+2)? Im not sure how to begin. How are you suspposed to find An?
  16. S

    4 Year old with Tonsillitis after partial tonsillectomy?

    This is a re-post Had in general health and no response. My son was 2 years old when he had his adenoids out, then 71 days later he had a partial tonsillectomy. While the dr was in there he removed his adenoids again. Now he is 4 having wild bouts of snoring restless sleep again. To top it off...
  17. S

    midnight sun partial draft?

    is there any website i can grab a copy of the midnight sun draft?? the thing is is that i can't use the one from meyers' site, cos i can't copy the text, and i was trying to put it on my ipod, so i didn't have to read it only on my computer. either that or is there anyway i can put a pdf file...