
  1. S

    POLL: I made up a recipe with pancake mix and cream cheese and chocolate chips and...

    ...made it quick bread? it smells good baking: What are the chances it will come out of the oven and be edible?
  2. E

    NRHH: When you randomly see a pancake flat butt, do you palm your face then laugh?

    RHH: What song are you currently listening to, or what do you JUST listen to? (Me, Styles P - My Culture)
  3. J

    I have pancake recipe for 50 pancakes that calls for 10 eggs but i only want 5?

    I found a pancake recipe for making 50 pancakes and you use 10 eggs but i only want 5 pancakes. How many eggs should i use? I thought 1?
  4. D

    What is more funnier ? a pink girl pancake booty or a pink man's small pink

    wang wang ? lmao i find them both equally hilarious lol Why are the pink folks so sexually inferior ? is it just genetics ?
  5. V

    What are the directions for cooking great value's extra fluffy pancake mix?

    My husband put all the mix into a tupperware bowl for storage and forgot to save the box so I could know the mix to water ratio.
  6. H

    Where can I find a good pancake recipe that I don't need baking powder for?

    I'm trying to find one but they all say baking poder. I only have baking soda. =P Can I just use that? probably not. =P sorry I'm just annoyed because I fel like the webites are mocking me by saying I need baking powder. lol obviously i know this isn't true but I can't keep searching I'm having...
  7. P

    what kind of pancake are you?{quiz}? i got You Are Banana Nut Pancakes You prefer complex and interesting foods. You shy away from anything that's ordinary or tired. It's not likely that someone would find white sandwich bread or boxed mac n' cheese in your kitchen...
  8. I

    R&S ATHEISTS: It's pancake time in the middle of the USA. I've got my batters...

    ...made (chocolate chip and? blueberry--you choose) and the griddle is hot. What are the odds that one of the cakes I fix this morning will have the face of 'jesus' or the 'virgin mary' on the back side? And, as no one knows what these people looked like, how will I know? Oh, my....
  9. A

    In need of a non dairy pancake recipe?

    I need a pancake recipe that is from scratch, easy, is normally made with dairy products, but can be made with a substitute, is good and is cheap. Thank you for your help:)
  10. G

    I Get By With a Little Help From a Vaporizer and Pancake Machine [Giz Gallery 09]

    After closing Thursday night, we had a bit of spare time and so ended up just hanging out and running a few tests on the Volcano Vaporizer and the Chefstack pancake machine. They passed. Gizmodo Gallery 2009 Details Groupe 267 Elizabeth Street New York, NY 10012 The Gallery is open now...
  11. T

    How can I cook a pancake with out it sticking to the pan?

    I dont want to use spray butter or put a bunch of butter in the pan.
  12. Z

    What is a Good Protein Pancake recipe I can make without eggs.?

    I don't like eggs that's why and when I looked online that's all they had in them was eggs. So if anyone knows a good recipe let me know thanks.
  13. W

    Does IHOP have any pancake deals going on? (Or Fish?) - All you can eat!?

    I am in Illinois, and I am wondering if IHOP has any deals on Pancakes or Fish? All you can eat? Maybe? How much?
  14. M

    A nice recipe for Economiaki (Japanese Pancake)?

    I used to have a Japanese roommate, and he made some awesome economiaki. I can't seem to find a good authentic recipe for it. If you don't know what it is, please don't answer. Thanks!