
  1. N

    Are the overpaid politicians in Bell California Democrats or Republicans?

    http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-07-20/california-official-s-800-000-salary-in-city-of-38-000-triggers-protests.html Do you think the residents of Bell are ready for some Tea party action? $800,000 for a city manager for a population of 38,000 $787,000 for police chief-$400,000 more than the...
  2. T

    QUIZ: Ridiculously Over-rated Over-paid No-good English Youth- WHO AM I?

    Do I Have To Spell It Out For You?
  3. B

    Why are we complaining about bankers getting overpaid, when many footballers

    couldn't even live on their wages? If we have cheap footballers nobody else wants it's not easy to win the league or the cup so if we have cheap bankers nobody else wants are we ever going to fix our problems? Hopefully the government have made the rules tighter so they won't be able to play too...
  4. S

    If I was overpaid for vacation time by my previous employer, what legal recourse

    do they have to take it back? There are a lot of conflicting answers. Are any of you attorneys?
  5. W

    Who is more overpaid? Hollywood people, sports figures, or CEOs?

    Which group does the best job of redistributing their incomes into society?
  6. S

    Bush overpaid Banks $78 Billion Dollars. They can't do MATH ... but who cares? Right?

    I just have to wonder how much more We The People can keep sweeping under the rug ... or if WE will ever get some reigns on those WE elect to REPRESENT YOU AND ME. In the mean time, those stimulus packages and those Bailouts will be appearing on YOUR Taxes and MINE. Yep ... WE get to PAY FOR...
  7. S

    if celebrities weren't so overpaid....?

    would it be a lot better for the economy?