
  1. Z

    Are bluetooths headsets outdated?

    I have my own cell phone business, I do a lot of talking when I'm talking too potential sellers, so I bought a bluetooth from walmart for only 30 bucks, its nice but I want too know if I'm outdated with it or not.
  2. G

    What Outdated Tech Do You Miss The Most?

    Technology is always marching on, and for the most part, that's a good thing. Gadgets get more efficient, more powerful, cheaper, smaller, all around nicer. But for every innovation that you don't know how you ever lived without, there's something—usually something little—that you miss. What...
  3. S

    Is the sony ericsson w595 pink look outdated?

    I'm sick of touch phones and blackberries that everyone in my college carries around and I love sony ericsson phones, I wanted a T707 but they don't sell it here in my country. The thing is I had a W380i and it's great but the headphone jack doesn't connect anymore, how can I fix that problem...
  4. M

    Too late and outdated to get iPhone 3GS?

    I'm 13 years old and I'm getting my 2nd cell phone, 1st smartphone and I'm gonna get a iPhone 3GS for $50. the iPhone 4 is $200 and the iPhone 5 is gonna be around $200+. is it too late to get an iPhone 3GS ?or is it okay to get it cuz I'm young? cuz I feel and iPhone 4 is useless cuz the iPhone...
  5. D

    my computer is outdated and wont upgrade what can I use so I can chat with yahoo or

    facebook? I cleared out my computer (2001 computer). I reinstalled programs and have internet but I cant chat with Yahoo or facebook. I says my browser is outdated and it wont upgrade. What can I use or download in order to chat?
  6. A

    Do you think sexual beliefs in religions are outdated?

    I know that religions have different types of views on sexual beliefs. But, in particular Christian religions, I think they just have extremely outdated views on this. Such as, premarital sex is wrong, using contraception is a sin, engaging in homosexual behavior is wrong. What is your opinion...
  7. C

    Why does nintendo do so well when there systems seem to be outdated before they

    launch? I used to be a hardcore nintendo fan but I feel they stopped really trying after the super nintendo.
  8. F

    POLL/SURVEY: Is marriage outdated?

    I certainly think so!
  9. I

    Are DVD's going to be outdated soon?

    I'm worried about it? I don't like the latest technology cause I have and need to but let me know that it is not?
  10. C

    Is teaching children about nutrition outdated?

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsDzze1Urb0BhR.OB.PAQ5nsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100801091624AAg9c2k According to Random Chick it is.
  11. T

    do greeting cards still hold same place in our society or has it become outdated?

    Do you think this is the age of e-greetings and sms and now no one bothers to buy or send a greeting card??or still some innovation in greeting cards like personalised photo greeting cards could again bring back the old importance that cards held and emotional value it had.?
  12. M

    Christians, a word? Aren't creationist views as outdated in this day and age

    as the beliefs of? the Flat Earth Society? If you are not a "by the book" Genesis Creationist, doesn't it also stand to reason that you are following a fundamentally flawed (pun intended) book?
  13. F

    How to purchase outdated Nokia phones ( new - nokia 1600)?

    Is there any possibilities to purchase nokia 1600 , new one ? I tried nearest shops and searching in google .
  14. M

    Is karate still an effective way of defending oneself or now an outdated concept?

    Should people look at more street orientated systems like Krav maga for self defense ?
  15. T

    will the 2007 BMW 550i be outdated soon?

    I was wondering if the 2007 550i will be out dated soon and why. When are the new 5-series coming out
  16. P

    How do I clean up outdated temporary Windows and Internet file clutter?

    go to start, run, type in %temp%, and delete everything in there. Also if you want to make your pc run faster download tune up utilities 2009 (very good program), its very easy to find a regkey just look one up in youtube. Also if your pc takes 2 long to start up go to start, run, msconfig...