
  1. N

    Where is the A/C dryer and orifice tube located on an 2006 Chrysler 300?

    Can't seem to find where its located within the vehicle, help please.
  2. G

    Alan Dershowitz to Mike Huckabee: Enjoy your new orifice!

    First, the video. Then, if you're good, I'll tell you an Alan Dershowitz story. It involves Stephen Jay Gould. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  3. F

    Where is the orifice tube in my 1995 Lincoln Continental?

    I need to replace the orifice tube on my car and I need to know where it is because I can not afford to pay to have it fixed!
  4. F

    Where is the orifice tube in my 1995 Lincoln Continental?

    I need to replace the orifice tube on my car and I need to know where it is because I can not afford to pay to have it fixed!
  5. F

    Where is the orifice tube in my 1995 Lincoln Continental?

    I need to replace the orifice tube on my car and I need to know where it is because I can not afford to pay to have it fixed!
  6. F

    Where is the orifice tube in my 1995 Lincoln Continental?

    I need to replace the orifice tube on my car and I need to know where it is because I can not afford to pay to have it fixed!
  7. F

    Where is the orifice tube in my 1995 Lincoln Continental?

    I need to replace the orifice tube on my car and I need to know where it is because I can not afford to pay to have it fixed!
  8. F

    Where is the orifice tube in my 1995 Lincoln Continental?

    I need to replace the orifice tube on my car and I need to know where it is because I can not afford to pay to have it fixed!
  9. F

    Where is the orifice tube in my 1995 Lincoln Continental?

    I need to replace the orifice tube on my car and I need to know where it is because I can not afford to pay to have it fixed!
  10. G

    Senator Al Franken Tears Comcast CEO New Orifice

    Don't mess with Al, man. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  11. G

    Senator Al Franken Tears Comcast CEO New Orifice

    Don't mess with Al, man. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...