
  1. G

    Jay Bradner: Open-source cancer research

    Read the comments on this post...
  2. A

    Is DivX open-source. (PLEASE!)?

    Is DivX and it's DivX Plus Web plugin open-source? Any help is appreciated, thanks. Bonus: A theoretical gold trophy for someone who can tell me whether the web plug-in supports "True Streaming". Thanks!
  3. A

    Is DivX open-source. (PLEASE!)?

    Is DivX and it's DivX Plus Web plugin open-source? Any help is appreciated, thanks. Bonus: A theoretical gold trophy for someone who can tell me whether the web plug-in supports "True Streaming". Thanks!
  4. A

    android app (preferably free and opensource) alternative to google calender...

    ...and gmail contacts? hi I am not a fan of microsoft, apple or google... I own a android phone because I see it as the lesser of 3 evils. I know that symbian has gone open source, but I am so much of an linux fanboy that I bought an android phone anyway. I hate that google forces me to use a...
  5. G

    MapQuest continues rollout of open-source mapping with Australia and New Zealand incl

    Online mapping solutions provider launches "Open" sites in Scandinavia, the Pacific Rim and Western Europe.
  6. S

    Adobe .PDF vs. Open-source. EPUB Comparison

    Delete this article.
  7. K

    iPhone OS is OpenSource?

    iPhone OS(iOS) is OpenSource? can anyone look at the iOS?
  8. G

    Coming Soon to an OpenSource Platform Near You

    Item 1: Linux has perfectly good fonts these days, and they are getting better. Patents held by Apple Corporation did not allow basic technology (the Bytecode Interpreter)to be implemented in Linux fonts (without paying). FreeType (the Linux font system) worked around this and things were...
  9. G

    Can four geeks working out of their garage replace Facebook with an OpenSource projec

    Possibly. Quite possibly: Diaspora: Personally Controlled, Do-It-All, Distributed Open-Source Social Network from daniel grippi on Vimeo. Hat tip: Ronja Addams-Moring Read the comments on this post... More...
  10. G

    Can four geeks working out of their garage replace Facebook with an OpenSource projec

    Possibly. Quite possibly: Diaspora: Personally Controlled, Do-It-All, Distributed Open-Source Social Network from daniel grippi on Vimeo. Hat tip: Ronja Addams-Moring Read the comments on this post... More...
  11. G

    YAE of why the OpenSource model is better than the Proprietary model

    Although if Microsoft wasn't the Gorilla in the Room example of Proprietary the contrast may not be as stark. Maybe.... JH at Linux in Exile discusses the anti-Google "bug" in IE that MS left in place for months. Read the comments on this post... More...
  12. G

    OpenSource Science?

    If you have not yet read John Wilbanks' posts on OpenSource Science, which is a critique of the idea, than you should. Start with this one. There are two more right after that. But they are very long, so by the time you are done reading all three of those, there will probably be a fourth one...
  13. G

    TomTom Introduces OpenLR, an open-source Dynamic Location Referencing technology

    New open industry standard with low bandwidth consumption could boost the potential for connected navigation and location-based services on any digital map.
  14. M

    Windows open-source Laptop? Any Ideas?

    I'm looking for a laptop that has a big hard drive minimum of 2g of ram and a good graphics card. Cheap and customizable hard ware would be nice. windows xp preffered but i do have my own copy of windows xp. The reason why is because theres alot of open source software out in the internet and i...