
  1. W

    in ogre tactic for psp how can you tell units loyaltys?

    also what our the steps in recruiting cassidrai for the necromancer class and if you kill her can you go back with the world Chariot system
  2. P

    What is Bernie, the Laughing Ogre?

    So I was reading like a reading book and it was talking about a movie called Bernie, the Laughing Ogre. It sounded cool so I looked it up on the internet and nothing came up about it. Does it even exist?
  3. G

    Ogre Battle 64 Person Of Lordly Caliber PAL VC N64 Wii-SUNSHiNE

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 51.60 MB Files: 20 (8 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri March 26th 02:47:56 UTC Download NZB
  4. M

    Shrek 2 Ogre Bowler

    Name: Shrek 2 Ogre Bowler Category: Games: PC Size: 15.15MB Added: 2009-08-07 22:14:54
  5. G

    LEGO Mindstorm Ogre Autonomously Detects, Targets, and Destroys Other LEGO Creations

    This is "Ogre," an autonomous, projectile-launching, LEGO block-destroying remote control tank. Ogre could honestly be the first LEGO creation I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. No minifig is safe this afternoon. Ogre is a "Tank" built around a Zamor launching system nicknamed...