
  1. S

    While you are busy in trivia and celebrity nonsense...?

    ...hundreds of innocent Muslim children are getting murdered in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. Fighting for reasons they don't understand, causes they don't believe in...Look what these US forces have done...
  2. J

    Aren't conspiracy nonsense in Astronomy & Space just rants?

    I think some of these really tired nonsense that keep trying to push nonsense such as Lunar Landing Conspiracy are just rants and should be reported at least for a little while. We've tolerated such idiocy for quite some time and have posted many replies, it's not as if they can't find such...
  3. A

    Personhood Nonsense Could Be Headed To U.S. Supreme Court

    You see that thing to the left that looks kind of like radioactive hushpuppy rolled in hair? Surprise! It's actually a human being! Or would be, anyway, if Personhood USA gets its way. The group responsible for getting personhood initiatives on the ballots in several states is now, for the first...
  4. A

    Tevez demands Mancini apologize for not taking his nonsense

    </p> A couple weeks ago, we did a bit that imagined Carlos Tevez admitting that all the problems he's caused during his time in the Premier League was just one big joke at everyone else's expense. But now I'm not so sure that isn't what he's actually doing. The same day Manchester City...
  5. T

    religion is prehistoric fairy tale NONSENSE! agree?

    the god of bible is not a god of love and affection as the christians says.Look at this monstrous, sadistic, barbaric stuff he does!!- Look at this monstrous, sadistic, barbaric stuff he does!!- "And I the LORD will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters...
  6. L

    Does anyone else not give a crap about all this Charlie Sheen nonsense?

    I don't find it all that funny.
  7. R

    is anyone tired of paying for RINGTONES? Or going thru nonsense to get them?

    i found a site called freakshare and there, you can get all kinds of stuff free. i am putting up all my ringtones there for whoever wants them and got over 8,000 downloads already. stuff like this: if you want the...
  8. P

    How do I refute this "gay agenda" nonsense to my conservative parents?

    I hate social ignorance. I am sure everyone on here knows what argument I am talking about, how do I prove to them that gays just want to be accepted for who they are and want equal rights. How does one refute the republikkkan "family" values people, it doesn't seem to matter what I say they...
  9. M

    Both Judaism and Islam believe in a no nonsense Monotheism then why ?

    You are closer to Christianity than Islam? Is it due to jealousy with the step brother of Isac alone ?
  10. G

    What's with all this celebrity bashing non-sense?

    "Miley's a slut shes supposed to be a role model!" Ok? She's like 17. Your little girls shouldn't be looking up to a 17 year old because most of the 17 year olds that I know don't watch Hannah Montana. Lady Gaga is a whore, too? Like, how? I don't get it. How do people judge celebrities that...
  11. G

    Utterly Crazy Racist Nonsense

    In regards to Jim Russell, Republican Congressional candidate. Read the comments on this post... More...
  12. B

    Can I get HTC sense widgets in the android market with a non-sense device?

    I have SEARCHED AND SEARCHED for the answer to this question and I can't find it anywhere. Right now I am debating on getting the Motorola Droid X because when I first heard about Android, I fell in love with HTC's Sense UI. I love the massive screen on the Droid X and the fact that it runs 2.2...
  13. B

    Can I get HTC sense widgets in the android market with a non-sense device?

    I have SEARCHED AND SEARCHED for the answer to this question and I can't find it anywhere. Right now I am debating on getting the Motorola Droid X because when I first heard about Android, I fell in love with HTC's Sense UI. I love the massive screen on the Droid X and the fact that it runs 2.2...
  14. B

    Can I get HTC sense widgets in the android market with a non-sense device?

    I have SEARCHED AND SEARCHED for the answer to this question and I can't find it anywhere. Right now I am debating on getting the Motorola Droid X because when I first heard about Android, I fell in love with HTC's Sense UI. I love the massive screen on the Droid X and the fact that it runs 2.2...
  15. K

    how can i weed out all the nonsense people from the internet and meet new people

    who share the same? personality traits as me? i wanna meet people who are mean to other people and who are also arrogant at the same time. i also prefer to make new friends with these personality traits who are of the same age as me, i'm 28. can anyone help me? rsvp asap! thanks.
  16. T

    I know the 2012 prophecy is a load of nonsense but what amount of energy would be...

    ...needed to create a tsunami..? .... featured in the Roland Emmerich's film 2012 trailer that swamps the Himalayas, is it possible? I know an event like this hasn't been recorded in Earth's geological record. Could a gravity anomaly such as another celestial body in close proximity to the...
  17. K

    can i get around nonsense texting fees if i buy somewhere else for At&t/cingular?

    I want the blackjack 2 buy in the at&t store they say i have to buy the texting plan! how stupid! I want to know if i buy the phone off craigslist or something and i just switch my sim cards like i would normally do, would they find out if i switched phones to a phone im not paying for texting...
  18. S

    What's up with all this celebrity nonsense?

    With everything that's going on with the economy. It's so annoying to see pictures of smiling celebrities at the Oscars and other events. Are there people actually looking at that stuff. Just seeing the commercials for them on television makes me so mad. I've never changed the channel so fast in...