
  1. M

    Malesian, your taste matters ! what is your favorite non-alcoholic beverage ? any

    recipe ? Good morning everyone, I am currently doing researches about non-alcoholic beverages all around the world, including fruit juices, soda, carbonated drinks, tea and all that you can think of drinking. Unfortunately, I did not have the chance to visit your beautiful country yet, that's...
  2. T

    Fighting Distance Runner Ailments With Non-Alcoholic Beer

    Vintage posters adorn the walls of the St. James Gate Brewery in Dublin, Ireland with the slogan, "Guinness is good for you." Though not the famous black draught, a liter of non-alcoholic beer is good for reducing inflammation and upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in marathoners...
  3. S

    Does anyone have a NONalcoholic recipe for "Hot Scotch"...I lost my recipe from

    Does anyone have a NONalcoholic recipe for "Hot Scotch"...I lost my recipe from an Amish cookbook? Years ago, I had an Amish Cookbook which contained a delicious beverage recipe called "Hot Scotch." It is the equivalent of Hot Chocolate, only butterscotch flavored instead. It's different, but...
  4. M

    Non-fruit, non-alcoholic party punch recipes?

    I'm throwing a bridal shower for a friend who doesn't like fruit-flavored things. She does like lemon. I want to make some punch, but I'm not sure how… Does anyone know a good lemon punch recipe? (Is there such a thing?) Or do you have any other non-fruit ideas for punch? Thanks so much!!
  5. T

    The Usefulness Of Shear Wave Velocity In Managing Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis

    Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is manifestation of metabolic syndrome in the liver and is a pandemic over the globe especially in the developed countries, based on a high calorie diet and sedentary lifestyle. As in the other types of chronic hepatitis, collagen fibers continuously...
  6. R

    Non-alcoholic substitute for white wine! PLZ HELP?

    Im making garlic prawns and it says i need 1/2 glass of white wine. This is how the wine is used - Splash oil in a pan, wait until red hot and sear the prawns until they just start to change colour, then pour in the white wine and boil. What can i substitute for that, that's not alcoholic...
  7. A

    Is it legal to for a minor to purchase non-alcoholic beer in Colorado?

    I was denied at the local Safeway to purchase a six pack of Coors 0.5%. I've bought it around the state before and was confused when he told me that I had to be 21. I know that a glass of Tropicana orange juice contains more alcohol per ounce. The guy working there seemed like a real yo-yo, and...