
  1. T

    Improper Rinsing Of Sinuses With Neti Pots Can Be Dangerous, FDA Says

    Neti pots are little teapot-like devices which people use to rinse out their sinuses. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that if they are not used properly, the user runs a risk of developing serious infections, even potentially fatal ones. The FDA says that the neti pots are not the...
  2. L

    Can a Neti Pot be used by more than one person?

    Or is it like a toothbrush? Also, have you used a Neti Pot before, and has it worked for you?
  3. A

    Where can i get a neti pot in hyderabad?

    I searched all over the net, called justdial etc but couldn't find anywhere in hyderabad where i can get a netipot, does anyone know of any shop that sells netipot in Hyderabad?