
  1. B

    What at he positives and negatives of smoking marijuana?

    I'm 15 years old and consume marihuana weekly. Once a week sometimes once every 2 weeks. I am very active and go to the gym 3 times a week. I was wondering what this is doing to my body or brain. Should I stop I does this not matter? Will it effect my weight lifting? Downsides and upsides to...
  2. J

    what were some positive and negatives of james cook arriving in new zealand?

    i cant find any on the internet, except for some pros for an essay
  3. A

    Positives and negatives of getting female cat fixed?

    She is 3y/o. Not fixed. Im not sure if I should, she doesnt go outside and has no contact with male cats that can get her pregnant. Would it possibly increase healthy life years? Or she doesnt need it? My second cat is fixed and I dont think their behavior is noticably different (well, except...
  4. B

    what are the negatives of advancing the timing?

    On all the forums and stuff they say to advance the timing because you get more power. I can't help but wonder why, if its that simple to just "increase the power", there has to be a negative or two attached to it, or the car manufacturers would do it out of the box. Are there any negatives to...
  5. R

    if I want to turn pictures and negatives to a cd or dvd , Where do I go to get...

    ...this done? The pictures and the negatives are of family and some are 25 years old while some are as old as 85 years old. I am scared to send somewhere if you say there is an online store to send to. I prefer a real store where I can walk into and talk to the people doing the work. I'm only...
  6. T

    What Are The Negatives And Positives When Giving Blood?

    My school is sponsoring a blood drive and I wanted to know ALL of the negatives and positives when giving blood. And also the side affects after
  7. M

    positives and negatives of mixing tobacco with weed?

    tastes bad, some say you get stoned but not high, some say hightens effects some say lengthens effects, i know it burns better but is it worth it. doesnt taste as nice either
  8. M

    positives and negatives of mixing tobacco with weed?

    tastes bad, some say you get stoned but not high, some say hightens effects some say lengthens effects, i know it burns better but is it worth it. doesnt taste as nice either
  9. J

    Positives and Negatives of Motorola Backflip?

    I was wondering what the positives and negatives of the motorola backflip are? I was thinking of getting one. I was also hoping to get unlimited text, talk, and internet and was wondering how much that would be? Just an estimate is fine. Thanks for your help and I might add some questions later on.
  10. S

    Why do gay people feel they should be treated as equals when they are negatives...?

    Think about this, really think about this before you type anything... They want all the rights and amenities afforded the straight person but willingly decide to go against their own genetics and coexist with the members of their same sex for emotional and sexual purposes... Let me break it...
  11. T

    Seegene READ PCR Study Finds High Rate Of False Negatives Among Current Tests For Tub

    The first clinical studies comparing an innovative READ (Real Amplicon Detection) PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technology against established real-time PCR tests for tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) found the next-generation READ technology comparable for detecting...
  12. T

    what are the positives and negatives of taking body supplements?

    I mean like muscle milk, Creatine, and other things including protein powder.
  13. S

    What are some of Hollywood's negatives on the world?

    im doing a debate in ELA
  14. O

    What were the negatives & positives of the new market economy?

    prices are way too high. and taxes are realy high too. but you get alot of stuff to chose from.
  15. B

    are there any negatives about the Tmobile samsung Behold?

    Im thinking about getting one, but I have a friend that had that phone in the sprint version but the same manufacturer and his froze up. So im just looking for some insights on it
  16. R

    What are the positives and negatives of having two dogs ?

    We got a dog about a year ago and were thinking of getting another one the same breed but different colour and gender. What are the positives and negatives of owning two dogs instead of just one?