
  1. C

    I'm sure my sister has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. what should I do?

    So my sister is already turning 20 in a few months(eldest) and im the youngest of 3 siblings and I seriously think she has NPD. She is always extremely defensive and always blows up when you say the wrong thing or when you crack jokes that she doesn't like. When she argues, she is very...
  2. A

    Is it narcissistic of me that i laugh at my own questions more than i laugh at

    any other question on here? lol
  3. M

    How narcissistic is Roger Federer? This is absolutely ludicrious. That shot was completely unneccessary. @Djokerfan - I gave you 2 BA's haha. XD You are Mexi's TC of the Week (and its only wednesday!) :P
  4. M

    Is there any truth to the rumor that Narcissistic Personality Disorder is

    going to be removed from DSM-5? I assume that DSM-5 is still slated for 2013 or so.....and I wonder how "rumors" about such a plan could be much more than a reflection of papers critical of NPD at conferences -- but then I know little of how these processes work.
  5. N

    Can a narcissistic christian be delivered of anger?

    A person I know is one step close to blasphemy, but yet is still scared of God. What can happen or the outcome. He is about to divorce his wife, many things depend on his direction. many prayers going out for him too.
  6. S

    Is it me, or is religion deeply grounded in that humans are incredibly narcissistic?

    Humans are always looking for images of themselves in things, "That plug looks like a face". Humans always assume that they are exceptional, "God wanted me to be President". Humans always assume that we are on top of every other species, but nothing could be further from the truth by any measure...