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    Inostics' Blood-Based Mutation Testing Receives CLIA Certification

    Inostics, a molecular diagnostics company that provides blood-based mutation testing, received CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) licensure for its clinical laboratory located in Baltimore, MD. This marks a critical milestone for the clinical adoption of this non-invasive...
  2. B

    What was the beneficial mutation that helped Islam and Christianity outpace

    their common ancestor of Judaism? I think it could have been either proselytization or violence, but maybe there was something else too.
  3. T

    Shedding Light On A Gene Mutation That Causes Signs Of Premature Aging

    Research from Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute sheds new light on a gene called ATRX and its function in the brain and pituitary. Children born with ATRX syndrome have cognitive defects and developmental abnormalities. ATRX mutations have also been linked to brain tumors...
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    Gene Mutation Discovered That Causes Schnyder Corneal Dystrophy

    Research conducted by Dr. Jayne S. Weiss, Professor and Chair of Ophthalmology at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, and colleagues has discovered a new mutation in a gene that causes Schnyder corneal dystrophy (SCD.) The gene was found to be involved in vitamin K metabolism suggesting the...
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    172K Mutation Breaks HIV's Resistance To Drugs, Says MU Researcher

    The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can contain dozens of different mutations, called polymorphisms. In a recent study an international team of researchers, including University of Missouri scientists, found that one of those mutations, called 172K, made certain forms of the virus more...
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    For Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Mutation In Gene IDH A Possible Target For

    Many patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) share a mutation in a gene called IDH. A University of Colorado Cancer Center study published this week in the journal Leukemia & Lymphoma shows that this IDH mutation may be the first domino in a chain that leads to a more aggressive form of the...
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    Groundbreaking Discovery Of Mutation Causing Genetic Disorder In Humans, Birth Defect

    Scientists at A*STAR's Institute of Medical Biology (IMB), in collaboration with doctors and scientists in Jordan, Turkey, Switzerland and USA, have identified the genetic cause of a birth defect known as Hamamy syndrome[1]. Their groundbreaking findings were published in the prestigious journal...
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    Hope For Effective Endometriosis Screening Following Gene Mutation Discovery

    Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have, for the first time, described the genetic basis of endometriosis, a condition affecting millions of women that is marked by chronic pelvic pain and infertility. The researchers' discovery of a new gene mutation provides hope for new screening methods...
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    Researchers Identify Genetic Mutation Responsible For Most Cases Of Waldenstrom's Mac

    Scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have identified a gene mutation that underlies the vast majority of cases of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, a rare form of lymphoma that has eluded all previous efforts to find a genetic cause. The research (abstracts 261, 300, 434 and 597), to be...
  10. G

    How to add a genetic mutation you didn't already have

    Read the comments on this post...
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    Gene Mutation Shown To Cause Leukaemia And Lymphoedema

    Researchers have discovered a gene that when mutated can cause lymphoedema (swollen limbs due to a failure of the lymph system), immune abnormalities, deafness and leukaemia. The identification of the gene responsible for causing this rare combination of medical conditions, known as Emberger...
  12. I

    Is the mutation of homo sapiens possible? Does medicle science support this?

    Is there any existence of mutant or accelerately evoluted people?? I meant is the long term process of evolution can be done in very short time like 10 or 50 or 10 year?
  13. I

    Genetics engineering?? Is the mutation homo sapiens possible in practical?

    Is there any existence of mutant or accelerately evoluted people?? I meant is the long term process of evolution can be done in very short time like diffrence of generation? Can a normal parents give birth of mutant child?
  14. T

    Male Infertility Tied To Common Gene Mutation That Lets Sperm Get Zapped By Female Im

    A common gene mutation that causes sperm to lose its protective protein coat so it falls prey to the female immune system on its journey to the egg, may be the main reason for infertility in men worldwide, writes an international team of researchers in a paper published in the journal Science...
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    New Gene Mutation Reveals New Cause Of Rare Neurological Diseases

    Scientists have discovered a new cause of spastic ataxia, and believe this cause is also a trigger for other mitochondrial diseases neurological disorders that can lead to serious coordination, growth, visual, speech, and muscle defects. Researchers at St George's, University of London have...
  16. G

    Hello. I am from China and I am Homo sapiens and I have this FOXP2 mutation...

    ...that makes me a genius compared to? other apes?
  17. R

    In the book Mutation by Robin Cook how is VJ able to produce cocaine using

    bacterial cells? In the book Mutation by Robin Cook: how is VJ able to produce cocaine using bacterial cells?
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    Genetic Mutation Confirmed As Melanoma Drug Target

    A mutation present in around half of malignant melanomas has been confirmed as a strong drug target, according to research published in Science Translation Medicine. The study was conducted by The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and funded by the Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK and the...
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    Discovery Of Mutation Causing Protein Misfolding Remission

    Light chain amyloidosis, a deadly protein misfolding disease, is caused by multiple mutations in cells that are intended to protect the body. Instead, the mutations send misfolded bundles of proteins through the bloodstream, potentially destroying the heart, kidneys, liver or other organs. Mayo...