
  1. A

    MAC Cosmetics ‘Strength’ Advertisement Uses Muscular Female Model In Non-Insulting, B

    "Strike a beautiful pose, stand out and redefine the notion of beauty..." says the ad's print. Hats off to you, MAC Cosmetics: you folks did an amazing job creating an ad campaign that shows the beauty of a muscular female body in a complimentary, gorgeous way. More » MAC Cosmetics ‘Strength’...
  2. T

    Link Made Between Muscular Dystrophy And Defective Nerve Wiring

    Working with mice, Johns Hopkins scientists have discovered that a particular protein helps nerve cells extend themselves along the spinal cord during mammalian development. Their results shed light on the subset of muscular dystrophies that result from mutations in the gene that holds the code...
  3. L

    How to make a sports bike Yamaha R6/R1 Sound more muscular?

    So small details thinking about buying a bike/ a new Mustang long story short a couple weeks ago my pride and joy 2012 Stang was basically totaled by some stupid teenage texter. Insurance has been sweet the car was payed off and they gave me more than i needed. So basically now I've been...
  4. T

    Human Protein Improves Muscle Function Of Muscular Dystrophy Mice

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] - A novel potential therapy based on a natural human protein significantly slows muscle damage and improves function in mice who have the same genetic mutation as boys with the most common form of muscular dystrophy, according to a paper published online Dec...
  5. S

    what are some muscular fitness goals?

    I need to develope a fitness plan for class and I need some ideas for long term and short term goals to accomplish.
  6. M

    What would you do if you saw two muscular well built Black guys arguing

    about Twilight? I was at a McDonalds today and two Black guys (muscular, tattoos and wearing hip hop clothes) were arguing about Twilight. One said "now this n*gga gonna sit here and tell me Bella wants Edward and not Jacob, this fool done lost his mind!!!!!". I could not help but laugh, what...
  7. F

    What dumbbell exercises do I have to do in order to have muscular arms?

    I started lifting dumbbells a few weeks ago. The exercise that I've been doing is the on where you start out holding each dumbbell at the side (with your hands hanging). Then you lift each dumbbell up to your chest and slowly back down. Is it enough if I do just this exercise? Or do I had to...
  8. F

    What dumbbell exercises do I have to do in order to have muscular arms?

    I started lifting dumbbells a few weeks ago. The exercise that I've been doing is the on where you start out holding each dumbbell at the side (with your hands hanging). Then you lift each dumbbell up to your chest and slowly back down. Is it enough if I do just this exercise? Or do I had to...
  9. F

    What dumbbell exercises do I have to do in order to have muscular arms?

    I started lifting dumbbells a few weeks ago. The exercise that I've been doing is the on where you start out holding each dumbbell at the side (with your hands hanging). Then you lift each dumbbell up to your chest and slowly back down. Is it enough if I do just this exercise? Or do I had to...
  10. T

    FDA Fast Track Designation Gained For ACE-031 For Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

    Acceleron Pharma has gained FDA Fast Track designation for ACE-031 which will help to speed its journey through the drug approval process. ACE-031 is a substance that may be able to increase the size and strength of muscle and has the potential to treat a range of muscle diseases. A clinical...
  11. C

    what fitness regime do footballer do that make them so muscular but low weights?

    do they bulk up and then lose the weight back to their original weight and keep the muscle?
  12. C

    what fitness regime do footballer do that make them so muscular but low weights?

    do they bulk up and then lose the weight back to their original weight and keep the muscle?
  13. K

    toned muscular body by august? 6 pack must lol!?

    im supposedly 5'10" idk have not checked recently. i weigh 200 lbs. and i want to lose all this "baby fat" and keep it off FOREVER lol. any fitness regimes you guys recommend for me to do continuously i wanna be in the 140's or so. full muscular. by august. anything thing that makes me lose...
  14. J

    Im 5'2 and 130lbs im muscular i play sports I want to audition for the 5'7 and

    under cycle 13 ANTM, should i? I love to model in home made photo books i think im well rounded and i without be cocky which i am far from see my self as a pretty girl not gorgeous but unique.. i want this more than anything. :)
  15. A

    how to get read of muscular legs?

    i love running and exercising but i dont want muscular legs. i already have them. but i thought running would make my legs skinnier. how do i know get them to be skinny instead of muscular?
  16. G

    To thin guys out there: Will you feel inferior while your muscular and stunning body

    shape friends around you? Do you have a sudden urge like you are not satisfy with your own thin and small body but rather dearly wish to have a body shape like them? Do you curse your body and wish you have that additional amount of bulky muscle? Do you feel that you have lose out in terms of...
  17. C

    i have muscular calfs, and i'm a girl : (?

    what do i do? i really want to wear shorts and tights to a party but i'm really scared to. please help! x
  18. R

    fit n muscular? workout help!?

    ok i need some more focus on working out tricepts, abs (upper, lower), and chest... anyone know any good workouts that are quick, no-machine-needed that bring results? i dont want bulky muscles.. just slim and muscular.. thanks :) best workout that brings results gets 10 points :)
  19. B

    What clothes can a guy wear that show off his toned muscular body without making him

    appear gay? What clothes can a guy wear that show off his toned muscular body without making him appear gay? I know tight pants and a fitted shirt are options but most people would assume the person is homosexual for wearing such clothing.