
  1. T

    Canine Companionship Helps Improve Moods Among Teens In Treatment

    Lindsay Ellsworth is prescribing a new, mood-boosting therapy for teenagers in drug and alcohol treatment: shelter dogs. On Friday afternoons, about four dogs from the Spokane Humane Society take a field trip to Excelsior Youth Center as a group of teenage boys eagerly await their arrival...
  2. J

    Moods 1 & 2 Music CDs?

    Hi all does any of you know where i can find the Moods 1 CD and the Moods 2 CD i cant seem to find them on google at all, i think they came out around 1996 or so. Please help
  3. L

    Poll: Do you ever get in those moods where you hate EVERYONE?

    That's about where I am
  4. K

    Is is right for your pastor to be in mad moods and not greet his members or

    talk to them before service starts? Been going to the church for 2 years and getting to know the pastor a little more. Understand the pressures they have but when he is not in a good mood he will not shake hands are say good morning, makes my husband and uncomfortable. When he is in a good mood...
  5. B

    Does smoking marijuana every day alter your moods?

    Do people who smoke marijuana every single day have more mood swings when they aren't high then people who smoke less/not at all? What are you're thoughts/experiences...
  6. T

    Physicians' Moods Affect Quality Of Care, According To Ben-Gurion University Study

    A new study by a researcher at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) reveals that physicians' moods impact the number of prescriptions, referrals and lab tests ordered, as well as the amount of time they spend talking with their patients. The findings of the study "Communicating with...
  7. T

    Does your cat have specific items for specific moods?

    My cat has one mood where she starts yowling and running around the house before abruptly stopping and staring at me. While in this mood, she always carries around an old blue ripped up sock in her mouth. She never plays with it otherwise; its sole purpose is being toted while she is acting like...
  8. A

    this is my first time here. i think i am emphatic. i "pick up" on peoples "moods"

    this is my first time here. i think i am emphatic. i "pick up" on peoples "moods" around me .? and it can turn my emotional state with in seconds from good to bad to sexual. i am tormented alot by my emotional state and the way i get affected. this is where i ask the question again. Am i emphatic?
  9. D

    What do i do when my girlfriend isn't in the best of moods and seems like...

    ...she isn't in to me as before? She's been having her ups and downs. She has alot on her mind like her mom's health and school and im trying to be there to support her. When it comes to us she isn't as comfortable with me being affectionate as im accustomed to being. But she says it has nothing...
  10. J

    I ordered an item on the internet , the site was sensual moods, has anyone

    heard of this site? Please help? also the return address on the web site for the items to be returned is J & L specialties. the email they provided was a bogas email and phone #
  11. M

    Because Of My Moods~~~~~?

    Been dating for almost 14 months.... *I'm ChoirSparkle* ChoirSparkle: Yo SledhockeySledHockeyMan: im' blocking u now ChoirSparkle: Why tom? SledhockeySledHockeyMan: cuz i freaking told u 10 times i wanted left alone SledhockeySledHockeyMan: and u still continue to bug...