
  1. S

    what handheld monopod can i use for my gopro hero camera?

    ive been searching for a while to find a decent collapsible handheld monopod to use with my gopro. most of the ones ive seen are cheaply built or have gotten terrible reviews. i intend to use this while snowboarding and longboarding so i need something sturdy that can handle that kinda abuse. id...
  2. C

    Handheld monopod for camcorder?

    Is there a monopod similar to the quikpod that is made with better quality? I've seen some people on YouTube that are made of metal. Can anyone tell me anything?
  3. G

    Ice Axe Monopod [Photography]

    If you are enough of a badass to wield this ice axe monopod in earnestness, you are enough of a badass to put a big boy's camera on top. Right Ashton? [Instructables] More »