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    Reid Continues To Court Moderates For Health Bill Support

    Some news organizations are watching how certain key swing senators are reacting to the negotiations on a public option in the health care legislation. The Hill reports that Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe, of Maine, remains one of the only Republican votes Democrats are trying to secure for...
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    Senate Democratic Leaders Look For Public Option Compromise To Win Moderates

    The Washington Post: "Democrats had little time to savor their weekend Senate health-care victory, as two of the lawmakers who voted to move the debate forward Saturday night indicated Sunday that they will not vote to pass the package if it includes a government-run insurance program."...
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    Senate Democratic Leaders Look For Public Option Compromise To Win Moderates

    The Washington Post: "Democrats had little time to savor their weekend Senate health-care victory, as two of the lawmakers who voted to move the debate forward Saturday night indicated Sunday that they will not vote to pass the package if it includes a government-run insurance program."...
  4. C

    Who moderates Y! Answers??? Is there someone to complain or make aware of...

    ...blatant rule violations? I was just curious if there was moderators for certain areas of Answers. Someone somewhere must have some authorative capabilities. My reason for asking has multiple reasonings... I play World of Warcraft, and as such, i tend to do an Advanced search on World of...