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    Intestinal Microbial Flora Altered By Chronic Kidney Disease

    Chronic kidney disease changes the composition of intestinal bacterial microbes that normally play a crucial role in staving off disease-causing pathogens and maintaining micronutrient balance, according to UC Irvine researchers. This profound alteration of the gut microbial population may...
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    Microbial Exposure Is Crucial To Regulating The Immune System But It Must Be The 'Rig

    A new scientific report from the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH) dismantles the myth that the epidemic rise in allergies in recent years has happened because we're living in sterile homes and overdoing hygiene. But far from saying microbial exposure is not important, the...
  3. G

    What Comes Out Goes Back In with the Microbial Home [Design]

    The Microbial Home by Philips Design is all about input and output. Waste (output), powers your herb garden (input). Like life, it's a cyclical thing. Ya dig? More »
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    The Microbial Immune System Can Be Likened To A Vaccination Program

    A complex of proteins in the bacterium E.coli that plays a critical role in defending the microbe from viruses and other invaders has been discovered to have the shape of a seahorse by researchers with the U.S Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). This...
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    The Metabolic Activity Of Microbial Communities

    Microbial communities are performing important functions all around us - from the earth in our flowerpots to the human gut. Now researchers have developed a method for studying the metabolic functions of microbial communities in detail. It is now possible for the first time, thanks to a new...
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    Gut Microbial Equilibrium Linked To Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    We are not alone - even in our own bodies. The human gut is home to 100 trillion bacteria, which, for millions of years, have co-evolved along with our digestive and immune systems. Most people view bacteria as harmful pathogens that cause infections and disease. Other, more agreeable, microbes...
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    Gut Microbial Equilibrium Linked To Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    We are not alone - even in our own bodies. The human gut is home to 100 trillion bacteria, which, for millions of years, have co-evolved along with our digestive and immune systems. Most people view bacteria as harmful pathogens that cause infections and disease. Other, more agreeable, microbes...
  8. A

    Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding microbial nutrition,

    ecology, and growth? A) the term facultative anaerobe refers to an organism that doesn't use oxygen but tolerates it B) the generation time refers to the length of time needed for a cell to divide C) whether an organism is an autotroph or heterotroph depends on its source of nitrogen D) a...