
  1. J

    Merry Christmas

    All members know that Christmas is near then I want to say all of you a Merry Christmas. This Christmas I am going to New York city to celebrate it. This destination offers a lot of opportunity for enjoyment. What is your plan this Christmas?
  2. G

    Want to join our merry band of White Noisers? Head on over and get to posting!

    Want to join our merry band of White Noisers? Head on over and get to posting! Read more...
  3. A

    Merry Berry Drinks: 11 Antioxidant-Rich Christmas Cocktails

    Replenish while you imbibe with these antioxidant-rich pomegranate and cranberry cocktails, perfect for pre-holiday parties or Christmas day. Maybe even New Year's Eve -- there's also a healthy dose of champagne in a few of these drinks. To less added sugars and more polyphenols in your 2013...
  4. L

    Childrens cartoon or tv programme with a carousel or a merry go round in it ?

    Its not the magic roundabout.
  5. M

    Seems like a lot of vehement anti religion rants today.- Merry Christmas to all.....?

    Is it because of Christmas?
  6. A

    I would like to ask if you would throw tomato at me if I greet you Merry Xmas?

    just because your perception of me is that I would never mean it.
  7. justwondering1

    What jeans does drake bell and josh peck wear in merry christmas drake and josh?

    I really like the fit, the style, and how they look with vans. If your not going to answer this seriously, then dont even bother cause your wasting your life.
  8. D

    Why has the greeting Merry Christmas been changed to Happy Christmas?

    Who are these people who keep changing things, and why? Who the hell are they frightened of upsetting now? At one time all Chrismas cards said Merry Christmas, now a lot more are saying Happy Christmas. Just take note, you will see it.
  9. S

    Atheists, your friends greeted you a merry christmas, what will be your answer?

    Is that thanks for the 2 points. Happy New Year Thank You Don't answer
  10. S

    Atheists, your friends greeted you a merry christmas, what will be your answer?

    Is that thanks for the 2 points. Happy New Year Thank You Don't answer
  11. G

    Merry Christma ... huh? Merry what? Huh?

    What? Is it Christmas again? Damn. Every year I wake up on Christmas and realize I totally spaced the solstice. So what am I going to do with this GOAT I forgot to sacrifice????11?? Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  12. A

    Merry Christmas!!

    Post from: Cooking GadgetsPost from: Cooking Gadgets More...
  13. O

    Two kids on a merry go round one ridin one pushing it travels in a circular path

    she accelerates rest to the..? speed of 3.0 m/s as the 2nd girl pushes is the child riding in uniform circular motion?? i dont get it explain why or why not?
  14. A

    What brand of shirt was Drake Bell wearing in Merry Christtmas Drake and Josh?

    In Merry Christmas Drake and Josh in the scene where they all go caroling and Drake is wearing this purple shirt I really like it do you know what brand it is and where to buy it?
  15. L

    why is it ok for people to greet happy st. patrick's day while greeting merry

    christmas isn't politic correct? i hear somebody say on tv happy st patrick's day EVERYONE. idon't get it. same people on tv who's afraid to say merry christmas for offending some groups. do we have a double standard here?
  16. C

    If u had to merry a UFC superstar who would it be?

    any UFC works
  17. C

    If u had to merry a UFC superstar who would it be?

    any UFC works