
  1. A

    Pregnant Kim Kardashian Wishes She Could Crave French Fries Like You Mere Mortals

    Pregnant Kim Kardashian would like you all to know she does not feel the same cravings as the rest of us normal people, but instead only wants veggie platters. She's just, y'know, throwing that out there...(cough) tabloids (cough). More » Pregnant Kim Kardashian Wishes She Could Crave French...
  2. D

    Isn't religion mere wordiness?

    I might be wrong, but sounds to me that religion is mere wordiness. They keep telling you that you can feel God and Jesus in your heart if you let them in. They're not gonna force themselves into you. In the end religion ends up being a bunch of excuses, and not those deities actually being by...
  3. J

    What is a book that can compare, similar, to c. S Lewis mere Christianity?

    A girl at work that I like let me borrow that book. Now I'm going to read it and recommend one to her. What would be a good one. She is Christian but I don't want to recommend somethin too preachy
  4. N

    Why do Democrats whine about the mere $407 billion deficit under and don't...

    ...for the Obama 1.2 TRILLION deficit? 407 Billion under Bush and 1.2 TRILLION under Obama, where is the outrage from the Dems? "I don't care as long as it creates jobs" PORK projects do NOT create jobs, and you don't care who pays the bill either, your great great great great grandchildrens...
  5. N

    In the future, will the voice of hatred and racism beome a mere whisper?

    Minority and young voting power is increasing more and more every year. In the next 4 years when Obama runs again they will have increased in numbers even more. The older generations who casually tossed around the N word are decreasing in numbers and voting power every year. Will the voice of...