marvel or dc

  1. A

    What Marvel/DC hero would you like to see more of?

    My buddies and I have been talking and we came to an agreement that there are many cool super heroes out there that we think should have more air time. With the 'super-hero' uprising over the past few years, a lot of mainstream heroes have been getting their own movies and even animations. You...
  2. C

    Shonen vs Marvel/DC is the comic mangaa mash up fight series that needs

    kick ass cross over fights!? There is supposively a event going on where shonen is going to fight marvel and dc comics. here are some choice fights that are already chosen: Goku vs. Superman/Batman Naruto vs. Deadpool Yugi/Jaden/Yusei vs. Thor /Captain Marvel Golden Darkness vs...
  3. S

    are there any famous marvel/dc comic book characters with blue hair?

    I'm planning my outfit for comic con next year, i was wondering if anyone knew any famous comic book characters with blue hair? (my hair is blue, hence why i'm looking for a character.) or any character from an anime/comic/movie/video game with blue hair. Thanks!