
  1. L

    an online seller with a good reputation that i can buy marshmallow root?

    i can't find this at any local stores in my area so i have to resort to buying it online. i'm looking for a place with herbs that has a good reputation for their quality.. any suggestions? oh and i am looking for this root in order to make tea if that helps.
  2. T

    Delaying Gratification, Improving Self Control, And The Marshmallow Test

    A psychological experiment known as "the marshmallow test" has captured the public's imagination as a marker of self control and even as a predictor of future success. This test shows how well children can delay gratification, a trait that has been shown to be as important to scholastic...
  3. A

    Marshmallow Easter Eggs Hit Salmonella Recall List

    Salmonella does the darndest things these days. Once the provence of things like beef and fresh produce, salmonella outbreaks have been cropping up in products from peanut butter to pot pies. The latest addition to that list is easter candy, with the Food and Drug Administration announcing*a...
  4. G

    Being Struck by the iSave Only Slightly Worse Than Being Slapped With a Marshmallow [

    You're not an overprotective parent, just...cautious—which is why your kids still write with safety pencils and circles of paper even though they're nearly in college. And how are you going to teach them to drive? Thos things are automotive deathtraps! The Humanix iSAVE-SC1 might be a good...
  5. E

    Marshmallow recipe question?

    Hi, im going to make marshmallows but i dont really want to use corn syrup, so is there any way i can replace that with simple syrup? would it make a big difference in the taste? thank you
  6. A

    Are peeps (the marshmallow easter candy) addictive?

    This might sound strange, but every Easter season I find myself eating alot of peeps marshmallows. They never seem to get old. In fact the staler ones are the best tasting ones to me. Anyone else have this addiction? (not really an addiction) Do they put something in these things that makes...
  7. MelanieK

    Cake frosting with Marshmallow Fluff in it?

    Some years ago, I made a frosting with marshmallow fluff in it. I can't remember if I spread it over the cake or poured it, but anyway, it made the cake look very shiny and perfectly smooth, which was perfect because it was a ladybug cake. I have apparently lost the recipe. I found some online...