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    Mammograms: How Often Should Women Have Them?

    While most women already undergo mammograms to check for breast cancer, there has been considerable debate about how frequently women need to be screened. To help answer that question, researchers at the University of Virginia Health System are developing a personalized risk model to recommend...
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    Study Finds Mammograms Detect Few Cancers, Produce Many False Positives In Younger Wo

    Mammograms detect few breast cancers in women younger than age 40 and often lead to more tests and unwarranted anxiety because of false positives, according to a study published Monday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Reuters reports. For the study, radiologist Bonnie Yankaskas...
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    Screening Mammograms In Younger Women Have Low Accuracy And Detect Few Cancers

    Screening mammograms in women under age 40 result in high rates of callbacks and additional imaging tests but low rates of cancer detection, according to a study published online May 3 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Many studies have assessed mammography in women over age 40...
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    Digital Mammograms Deliver Less Radiation Than Film Version, Study Finds

    Digital mammograms deliver an average of 22% less radiation than film mammograms, according to a study partially funded by the National Cancer Institute and published in the American Journal of Roentgenology, Reuters reports. For the study, researchers analyzed the results of the 2005 Digital...
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    Digital Mammograms Deliver Less Radiation Than Film Version, Study Finds

    Digital mammograms deliver an average of 22% less radiation than film mammograms, according to a study partially funded by the National Cancer Institute and published in the American Journal of Roentgenology, Reuters reports. For the study, researchers analyzed the results of the 2005 Digital...
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    Digital Mammograms Deliver Less Radiation Than Film Version, Study Finds

    Digital mammograms deliver an average of 22% less radiation than film mammograms, according to a study partially funded by the National Cancer Institute and published in the American Journal of Roentgenology, Reuters reports. For the study, researchers analyzed the results of the 2005 Digital...
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    Digital Mammograms Deliver Less Radiation Than Film Version, Study Finds

    Digital mammograms deliver an average of 22% less radiation than film mammograms, according to a study partially funded by the National Cancer Institute and published in the American Journal of Roentgenology, Reuters reports. For the study, researchers analyzed the results of the 2005 Digital...
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    Digital Mammograms Deliver Less Radiation Than Film Version, Study Finds

    Digital mammograms deliver an average of 22% less radiation than film mammograms, according to a study partially funded by the National Cancer Institute and published in the American Journal of Roentgenology, Reuters reports. For the study, researchers analyzed the results of the 2005 Digital...
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    Study Finds Unnecessary Mammograms Performed On Elderly Women With Dementia

    A new study in the American Journal of Public Health found that 18% of elderly women with severe dementia undergo screening mammograms, despite guidelines from the American Cancer Society and other groups that recommended against such screening for women with a life expectancy of less than five...
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    Poll: Women In Their 40's Will Still Get Mammograms, Despite New Guidelines

    USA Today reports that "[a] vast majority of American women plan to ignore controversial new recommendations about mammograms, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows. The poll also shows that most women sharply overestimate their risk of developing the disease." The U.S. More...