
  1. T

    Lupus Patients May Benefit From Vitamin D Supplements

    A new clinical study published in BioMedCentral's open access journal Arthritis Research and Therapy provides preliminary evidence that vitamin D supplementation could be considered an immunomodulatory agent for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a debilitating autoimmune disease characterized...
  2. A

    It’s Lupus Awareness Month; Do You Know These 9 Warning Signs?

    Tomorrow marks the start of Lupus Awareness Month--an autoimmune disease that affects 1.5 million people in the U.S, with 90% of them being women. And even though it is so widespread, the majority of Americans don't know what lupus is or how serious this disease is. That's why it's important to...
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    Arthritis and Lupus Linked To Lower Birth Rates

    A multi-center study of a national survey published in Arthritis Care and Research, a journal of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), has established that over half of women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have fewer children than desired. Leading...
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    Successful Pregnancy Outcomes For Most Women With Lupus

    Promising research led by investigators at Hospital for Special Surgery may offer hope for women with lupus who once thought that pregnancy was too risky. Results from the multicenter National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded PROMISSE initiative, being presented Monday, Nov. 7 and then during a...
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    Transportation And Childcare Difficulties Top Reasons For Missed Lupus Appointments

    The first step towards successful medical care is to see a physician, but for some patients this isn't as simple or easy as it may sound. A study presented at the 2011 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology in Chicago, finds that many lupus patients with low...
  6. L

    Should I continue taking karate if I have lupus?

    My doctors recently called me and said after looking at my blood tests, there is a 95% chance I have lupus. This explains everything that has been going on with me the past few years. I've been overweight for the majority of my life (I'm 16) but I have an extremely active lifestyle. In...
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    Moving Toward A New Era Of Hope And Optimism In Lupus Research, Treatment And Awarene

    Events of 2010 represented the beginning of the long anticipated transition to a new era in which the 1.5 million Americans and the more than five million individuals worldwide living with the autoimmune disease lupus can look forward to an improved quality of life. Potential new treatments for...
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    Lupus Foundation Of America Commends FDA Committee Decision

    Today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Arthritis Advisory Committee voted overwhelmingly (13 to 2) to recommend BENLYSTA® for approval as a treatment for the autoimmune disease lupus. If FDA approved, BENLYSTA would become the first new treatment for lupus in 52 years. While today's...
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    The Lupus Foundation Of America Congratulates Dr. John Harley On $1.1 Million Award F

    The Lupus Foundation of America, Inc. (LFA) congratulates John Harley, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Rheumatology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, who has received a $1.1 million research grant from the U.S. Department of Defense's (DoD) Congressionally Directed Peer Reviewed Medical...
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    Lupus Researchers Will Examine Ways To Best Apply Findings From Lupus Mouse Model To

    Nearly 200 lupus researchers, clinicians and representatives from government, industry, academia and nonprofit organizations involved in lupus research will gather on the campus of the National Institutes of Health to look at ways to best apply research findings from lupus mouse models to human...
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    Lupus Foundation Of America Says Results Of Latest Study Of CellCept Provide Encourag

    The Lupus Foundation of America praised the results of a new long-term study for the treatment of lupus nephritis (lupus-related kidney disease) which demonstrated superiority of CellCept® (mycophenolate mofetil or MMF) to azathioprine (standard care) as a long-term treatment for lupus...
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    Fifty Percent Rise In Number Of Women 18-44 Hearing About Lupus Through Media, Survey

    The Ad Council and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health (OWH) announced today that 22 percent of women ages 18-44 reported hearing more about lupus within the past year, according to a national online survey released by the two organizations. An additional...
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    Advocates Seek Increased Federal Funding To Bridge The Gaps In Lupus Research, Awaren

    On March 16, 2010, an anticipated 1,000 advocates will band together for lupus in person and virtually by phone, email, and through social media networks, to share their personal stories with Members of Congress during the Lupus Foundation of America's, (LFA) Twelfth Annual Advocacy Day...
  14. R

    Can anyone give me some info on lupus?

    I have alot of the symptoms like swelling of hands feet alot of joint pain unexplained fevers and swollen lymph nodes. also when was pregnant over a year ago they said I have the lupus anticoagulant, but they said this is not the actuall lupus. I am tired of hurting and I am tired of doctors...
  15. M

    Questions about Lupus?

    My girlfriends mom has a disease called lupus. Her mom is extremely skinny, cant barely eat, is always in pain etc. My friend says her mom's lupus is very severe. Her mom also is very poor, and they live in a trailer and cant afford "decent" medication at all for the lupus. My question is what...
  16. J

    Teenagers With Lupus?

    as of January 12th, i've been diagnosed with lupus. it has affected my lungs, heart, and joints. i was wondering if there are any other teens on here who are suffering with this disease as well, ...around the age of 16-18 cuz thats my age range. so i could maybe talk to them about it since i...
  17. J

    do you know any sites where i can find a sponsor for my sister (lupus & kidney...

    ...disease patient)? any help is fully appreciated. Thanks.