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    Anesthetic for depression? Mayo study finds low-dose ketamine effective

    Low-dose intravenous infusions of ketamine, a general anesthetic used in minor surgeries, given over a long period are an effective treatment for depression, Mayo Clinic researchers found. The study is published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. About a decade ago researchers discovered...
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    Ouch: Low-Dose Birth Control Linked To Pelvic Pain

    A new study has revealed that women who are on birth control pills with lower doses of estrogen are at increased risk for pelvic pain, including pain during orgasm. Ouch. More » Ouch: Low-Dose Birth Control Linked To Pelvic Pain is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs...
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    Genetic Differences Can Influence Breast Cancer Risk From Low-Dose Radiation

    Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have identified tissue mechanisms that may influence a woman's susceptibility or resistance to breast cancer after exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation, such as the levels used in full-body CT...
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    For Patients With Multiple Myeloma, Low-Dose Whole-Body CT Finds Disease Missed On St

    Low dose whole body CT is nearly four times better than radiographic skeletal survey, the standard of care in the U.S., for determining the extent of disease in patients with multiple myeloma, a new study shows. The study, conducted at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, included 51...
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    Reducing The Dose In Radiology: Siemens Issues Dose Guide And Explains Low-Dose Techn

    Siemens Healthcare has already contributed to reducing the radiation dose in diagnostic and interventional radiology with many technical innovations. Now Siemens is the first manufacturer to issue a "Guide to Low Dose". Aimed at physicians and medical technical staff, this guide describes the...
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    Premenstrual Syndrome Can Be Prevented With Low-dose Prozac (Fluoxetine)

    Taking low-dose Prozac (fluoxetine) for a few days during the premenstrual period shows promise in preventing the negative and emotional symptoms associated with PMS (premenstrual syndrome), neuroscientists at the University of Birmingham, England have revealed. PMS affects millions of women...