
  1. M

    Bread machine vs. loaf pan

    [No message]
  2. B

    What if I steal a 3 dollar loaf of bread from a bakery and....?

    the old owner sees me leaving with it and starts to chase me, and has a massive heart attack and dies? What if the same thing happened with an $11,000 hand raised baby Hyacinth Macaw from a pet store? I didn't get caught either time. I'm just kidding, but you can answer
  3. S

    Does Rachael Ray make a blue stoneware 9"x5" loaf pan?

    I see orange and red online but I need blue to match my other blue stoneware I recently purchased.
  4. S

    i beat up a mugger with a loaf of frozen garlic bread in my dream last night....?

    i remember that i was in a parking lot and some guy tried to mug me and i knocked him out cold with a loaf of garlic bread. if someone tried to mug me in real life i'd fight back. and for some reason i was walking to my old car in the parking lot. i'm so confused and i need help to...
  5. S

    i beat up a mugger with a loaf of frozen garlic bread in my dream last night....?

    i remember that i was in a parking lot and some guy tried to mug me and i knocked him out cold with a loaf of garlic bread. if someone tried to mug me in real life i'd fight back. and for some reason i was walking to my old car in the parking lot. i'm so confused and i need help to...
  6. N

    Does Meat Loaf have any tours scheduled for 2010? Does he have an official site?

    I have been searching for info on where/if he is touring in 2010 but there strangely seems to be little information. I gather there is an upcoming album in April 2010. I can't find an official site either. I got this info from Wiki: "Meat Loaf is now working on a new album with Rob Cavallo...
  7. J

    What is the cost of a loaf of white bread, a pack of smokes and a 6 pack

    of beer in your area? In Darwin and most of Australia: Smokes $13.45 a pack - - Bread: $4.25 (brand name stuff).. Beer $15 - $23.00 a six pack
  8. H

    SURVEY; What is the cost of a loaf of bread in your country?

    the cheapest i have found in my town in the untied states is $1.09
  9. M

    Meat Loaf Meat Loaf & Friends

    Name: Meat Loaf Meat Loaf & Friends Category: Music: MP3 Albums Size: 169.91MB Added: 2009-01-31 18:09:07