
  1. T

    Liteon External Slim DVD-ROM not working?

    Had one before, it broke. Bought a new one. No software needed. Won't read any discs. Not even the one it came with. Not sure the computer is even recognizing it. Meets all the requirements. Please help.
  2. D

    i want to buy a DVD writer,Asus,Liteon,Samsung,Sony,LG,HP?

    i have to buy a DVD writer because my current writer has died i have got 5 options, those are Asus,Liteon,Samsung,Sony,LG,HP what is the best one to buy? in my country the prices are same,warranty also same and all those writers are SATA.. which one do you suggest me to buy?
  3. G

    is it possible to flash a lite-on dvd drive with a esata port and a sata

    cable(please give me a link for this)? if i flash my dvd drive can i do it with my laptop and SATA cable
  4. G

    is it possible to flash a lite-on dvd drive with a esata port and a sata

    cable(please give me a link for this)? if i flash my dvd drive can i do it with my laptop and SATA cable
  5. C

    I bought a Nokia ca-42 cable to use as a probe for my liteon drive?

    I bought a Nokia ca-42 cable to use as a probe for my liteon drive and installed all the drivers but my computer still does not recognize the cable.
  6. U

    My Lite-on DVD drive will not load during boot up.

    I recently had some kind of system cash and when windows loaded up it did a plug and play scan for ALL my hardware also I had to restore all my user setting such as screen resolution etc. I then noticed my DVD drive was not visible in 'My Computer', the device manager informs me that the...
  7. B

    (Xbox 360 Dvd Drive) Can you replace a Liteon circut with a Benq one?

    I got a Liteon drive that can read games and run them perfectly, but I want a flashable drive so I accedentally bought a BenQ replacement because I didn't know it couldn't run games. Can I do the swap method for the circut board things and have the BenQ circut work with the Liteon drive?
  8. E

    My liteon disc drive broke, i got a benq, i put it in the xbox360 and it

    said play dvd for all my games?!!? It says play dvd on all my games , and i was wondering do i have to have tge same disc or can i just use a benq and change the motherboard, these too seem the same, will i have to return my benq and buy a lite on or can i just change the motherboard from these...
  9. T

    is there a difference in flashing liteon drive versions for the xbox 360?!?

    do you have to do different things to flash different liteon drive versions for the xbox because there is a way to do it on youtube for the liteon drive version 83850c and i have 93450C and it is the easiest way so i want to know if i can do it with my version 93450C
  10. M

    Xbox 360 modders.. How can I switch from a Toshiba DVD to a lite-on DVD so I can

    flash with LT? I have a Toshiba-Samsung DVD drive in my 360 right now, and I want LT so if I bought one from eBay, what do I need to do yo use it? Just flash the key?
  11. A

    does anyone own a Lite-On IHAS124-04 Internal DVD Writer i wanna know if its good

    with Dual layer burns? For games im trying to buy a good but really cheap writer and this is the best i can find so does anyone have a review on...
  12. J

    How do i repair a Xbox 360 Lite-On Drive?

    Recently, I bought a Xbox 360 from a friend. He told me that the drive was busted, because apparently he tried to flash the drive and somehow managed to toast the C57 capacitor which is located next to the EEPROM. Now, given the fact that Microsoft won't take it, as the warranty was void, each...
  13. M

    Lite-on Blu-ray burners?

    hello, i just bought (2) lite-on blu-ray burners for my computer (to watch blu-ray movies on my tv, burner(back-up) blu-ray movies and dvd's and cd's. plays blu-ray movies ok, try to burn a dvd using nero 9 and the disk fails, says "DMA-Driver error, crc-error" burning a dvd in a regular dvd...