
  1. F

    Discuss the role of Linguistics Ergonomics and External Cognition in HCI?

    Discuss the role of Linguistics Ergonomics and External Cognition in HCI?
  2. S

    Introduction linguistics transcription practice (Canadian version)?

    Hello, I need some practice on my phonetic transcriptions does anyone know a site that as lots of practice based on the Canadian version using the (contemporary linguistics analysis textbook- by O'Grady) I really need some practice, I would appreciate it if anyone can help thank you
  3. S

    Has anyone glossed the Snowmobile Story from the Linguistics of American

    Sign Language book? I'm trying to gloss the Snowmobile Story from the Purple ASL Linguistics book, but she signs too fast and I can't figure out what she's signing right after she signs "HOUSES-IN-A-ROW". Something about summer I think? Help please!
  4. J

    What do the linguistics of Islam and Judaism suggest to you?

    Islam: Arabic, Verbal Noun, taken from the Arabic "aslama" meaning ""to give up, to desert, to surrender, to submit". Israel: Hebrew, Noun, meaning "He who wrestles with (struggles with) G*d" Which do you think is best for humanity, submission or struggle? Bloopula: Because I that's not the...
  5. mystikalroze

    Guys please does anyone know good and interesting project topics in linguistics

    that i can work on? i have a deadline, please, help me... any interesting ideas on linguistics major
  6. J

    Good site for discussing accents and linguistics?

    Hi, Recently I have become interested in accents and the study of linguistics. Does anyone know a good forum or website that discusses this?
  7. M

    Best book for introduction to Linguistics?

    I am interested in that field and until now I was studying various online resources on that subject. Now I want a book which introduces the various fields of linguistics, without focusing on a certain group of languages. Dialectology would be a plus. PS Not something very expensive, please.