
  1. A

    If you were starving could you survive longer by eating chunks out your limbs?

    Or if you were thirsty could you cut yourself and drink some of your blood to "trick" your body into thinking it was getting a drink? Or would your body use more energy repairing the damage you caused than it provided you with?
  2. A

    Is there any benfits having Long Limbs in MMA?

    am 6'1 200 Pounds and I know I can cut to 170 and fight as a LW. My Question is, are there any Benefits having Long Limbs and a thick Lower body. I CARRY a fair amount of weight in my Gluts, Hips,Quads and Hams. Are there any Benfits fhaving this type of body.
  3. G

    Hacking Nerves to Revive Paralyzed Limbs [Science]

    A neural engineer from Case Western Reserve University is reviving paralyzed limbs with an electricity hack. It's a brilliant workaround for spinal cord injuries, and it may someday let paraplegics activate their legs just by pushing a button. More »
  4. S

    Why does limbs fall asleep?

    my arms and legs keep falling asleep and i was wondering why they fall asleep
  5. B

    How much would a truck load full of limbs chip down to using a chipper?

    Just a rough guess? Reason I'm asking is I'm thinking about buying a chipper and doing residential shipping since my city doesn't pick up brush/limbs/yearly prunings. I don't have a place to put the chippings so I would be putting the chips in large garbage bags (they said they'd haul those...
  6. A

    whats the point of living if your in a vegetative state or lost all limbs?

    and your depressed and cant do anything anymore like greenday said, " to live and not to breathe, is to die in tragedy" doctors who put people on life machines is ruining their lives, they're not letting them move on.