
  1. O

    Oranges and Lemons, the Bells of St Clements?

    Is the Queen a cockney? What about her children? Are any of them cockneys? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oranges_and_Lemons
  2. D

    What is the metre in the poetic lyric: 'oranges and lemons say the bells of St.

    Clements'? I pick best answer as always. Thanks.
  3. A

    I have 15kg each of lemons, mandarins and oranges. any good recipes?

    There is a lot of fruit involved, i'm trying to use it all up before it goes bad. Any recipes that use a decent amount of fruit (apart from jam/marmalade) would be much appreciated!
  4. A

    Flavortripping: Turn Lemons into Lemonade (Literally)

    Ever heard of flavortripping? It’s a craze that’s been sweeping the food world for a few years and picked up steam when the New York Times featured the trend. Nowhere near as psychedelic as it sounds, flavortripping starts with a fruit – specifically a miracle fruit. Native to West Africa, ...
  5. J

    Why are questions about squeezing lemons allowed but....?

    not so for those about squeezing my cousins, the melons?
  6. M

    I have been eating lemons lately but I ran out of honey & have been sprinkling

    powder sugar on them. I read ? that you shouldn't add sugar when using lemons for health reasons. Why not? I really need something sweet with them.
  7. R

    What are the regulations regarding taking oranges and lemons into Canada?

    I am planing to fly to Detroit, and from there go to Canada. Does anyone know if there are restrictions to bring citrus into Canada. I will have 20-30 lbs. stored in my luggage. Also will I have any problems when they search my luggage in Detroit