
  1. W

    does powdered milk have lactose in it?

    I'm 13 and I'm lactose intolerant and I was eating some caramel apple sugar babies and I didn't even think that they might have milk. Usually it will say "this contains milk" or something but it didn't so I kept eating them. But a little later I looked at the ingredients and one of them is dry...
  2. S

    What is the probability of lactose intolerance becoming permanent?

    After having had a cold a few weeks ago, I've developed lactose intolerance. I read somewhere that this can happen after something like a cold or flu, and that it can either be temporary or permanent. What I'm wondering is: which case is more likely, and by how much (percentages, or a ratio of...
  3. B

    Am I lactose intolerant? If not, what is it? How do I treat it?

    This will be kinda gross, but it's freaking me out. You've been warned. For the past week or so, I have had diarrhea and an upset/bloated stomach (I've actually been eating a little less). A lot of what would seem is water is coming out with the diarrhea. I thought at one point, I might be...
  4. G

    I think my boyfriend might be lactose intolerant? Is there any over the

    counter test to be sure? Lately these last couple weeks every time right after he eats or drinks milk he's rushing to the bathroom and complaining about his stomache hurting. We don't have the money for the doctor is there any over the counter test we can buy?
  5. D

    what does lactose free mean?

    I thought it meant no dairy. I am drinking this nutrition drink that says lactose free on the front but in the ingredients it says: milk, soy
  6. K

    Lactose in medication making it worse?

    My bf is lactose intolerant and it seems to be getting worse over the past few months (needing to take more Lactaid pills, etc.) He is also on Citalopram for depression, and I just found out that it contains lactose as a hidden ingredient. Could this be what's making him worse, since he's been...
  7. E

    Am I lactose intolerant?

    Recently I've begun to notice that very soon after drinking milk I have to go to the bathroom due to lots of gas. It's really annoying when I have a class and have to hold it in till the day is done. If I am this will suck... I love milk / chocolate milk and drink it daily (a lot) I'm hoping...
  8. P

    does boiling milk take out the lactose?

    im lactose intolerant, and ive herd if you boil milk it takes out the lactose. is that true?
  9. I

    am i lactose intollerant?

    when i have a ton of butter or cheese my stomach rwally hurts and not to be gross but i have to use the bathroom a lot. and i havent drank milk since i was off the bottle and im 14 now. when i smell milk it makes me want to puke. i rarley eat cheese and i dnt eat yougurt. am i?