
  1. G

    Can smoking cannabis induce labour??? ?

    I heard this from a friend of mines and was so confused ? Anybody know of it's true?
  2. B

    Humour for debate speech...on child labour?

    I have a debate in a few days (Opposing the motion 'Child labour is a necessity for life in the developing world) My speech is all finished...except there is no humour. I realise it's difficult to make a speech about child labour, of all things, light hearted or humourous, but you get extra...
  3. D

    My dog is 62 days pregnant and still no sign of labour?

    She is a German Shepherd and had diarrhea for 2 days (wed & Thurs). I phoned my vet and he says it sounded like she was getting ready to go and if she still hadn't went by Wed 22nd to call him again. Her belly has really dropped and she is licking herself now and again but nothing out of the...
  4. Y

    What have the tories ever given the working man, i mean labour introduced...

    ...the minimum wage, even though the? TORIES SAID UNEMPLOYMENT WILL SOAR,when it actually fell, labour also gave us tax credits, disability living allowance,more pregnancy leave etc and didn't Cleggs party mainly agree with labour,will he be happy now to take away instead of help the working...
  5. A

    What are labour unions and regulations?

    Hey, Im revising for my end of year law test, Could one of you help me with labour unions and regulations. I missed that week due to illness, On the review list I have certification on grievence bargaining unit collective agreement councilation mediation arbitration IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME WITH...
  6. A

    Should Labour M.P.'s show that they've got a sense of humour and nominate...

    ...Dianne Abbott for party leader? I mean, we all like a good laugh... don't we?!? shambling: And David Cameron?!?
  7. P

    Are you thinking of voting for Labour because it is "better the devil you know"?

    Are you thinking of voting for Labour because it is "better the devil you know"? Despite things that have gone wrong under labour, and mistakes they have made, there is a case for voting for them as it is "better the devil you know". If it were a horrendous government like that of Mugabe's in...
  8. D

    Should the people who voted in Labour govt be forced to pay for this mess?

    Sadly in the UK everyone over 18 gets a vote, this is a huge shame because it means near inbred pikies and their (usually huge) families all vote. Hence we get a labour government. Should those that voted for them in the elections be liable to pay for their mess?? I think so
  9. M

    Labour day.. You should find this quite interesting!?

    AS much imput as possible. i just wanted to hear stories of some of the things you experienced on the day/ night of your labour. for e.g. toilet habit shifts? cramps? horniness? anything that you recall. Thanks. Im 39 1/2 weeks and starting to think it may be the day.. just killing time getting...
  10. M

    Labour day.. You should find this quite interesting!?

    AS much imput as possible. i just wanted to hear stories of some of the things you experienced on the day/ night of your labour. for e.g. toilet habit shifts? cramps? horniness? anything that you recall. Thanks. Im 39 1/2 weeks and starting to think it may be the day.. just killing time getting...
  11. R

    Urgent : My Dog Is Labour?

    my dog is inlabour we managed to help her get the placenta out and now she's alseep while in labour. is this ok? its here first pregnancy and shes a westie a small breed she isnt in distress and its only been 10 minutes theres nothing else coming out yet. the father was a small breed aswell
  12. L

    Labour's Not Working ?,,449826,00.html&h=245&w=514&sz=20&tbnid=_4DbttAg_SAINM::&tbnh=62&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3DLabour%2BIsn...
  13. S

    how much should the labour for repairs to my 96 EL ford futura be?

    How much labour should it cost me for : a diagnosis, replace EFI relay & ignition distributor, replace front brake pads and rotors (which he initially quoted me about $500 for them with labour), regrease front wheel bearings & replace hub seals, replace by-pass hose & coolant & bleed, unblock...
  14. 1

    Taxpayers pick up bank burden again , how much more money will Labour plough into

    the banks and? what will the repercussions be in the future? Chancellor Alistair Darling is set to wipe away bad assets in the banks to free up cash and encourage them to start lending again. This means £500 billion worth of bad loans and investments made by the banks will disappear - the...
  15. B

    Greeting, my friends! Why are all of your history books WRONG, about Labour

    Camps in WWII? Is there DUPLICITY? It seems that people have been taught that able bodied Jews were murdered in these camps! What is the origin of that idea?! I hear also that Jews own all of your publishing houses and newspapers--do you not see what is happening? How is it you suspect nothing...
  16. B

    Greeting, my friends! Why are all of your history books WRONG, about Labour...

    ...Camps in WWII? Is there DUPLICITY? It seems that people have been taught that able bodied Jews were murdered in these camps! What is the origin of that idea?! I hear also that Jews own all of your publishing houses and newspapers--do you not see what is happening? How is it you suspect...
  17. R

    What has the UK Labour Party/ Government said in relation to the recent Gaza...

    ...conflict? Have Brown or Milliband said anything about creating a viable palestinian state? What official statements did they make about the conflict in Gaza? and the Israel/ Palestine conflict generally?
  18. S

    Child labour project music... Any ideas?

    Hi, For Geography we have to do a presentation on transnational companies having factories in LEDC's, and forcing both children and adults to work in horrible conditions. I want to put on some strong, fairly upbeat music that I can use as a background music while we're talking. I was...
  19. M

    'britain Has The Weakest Labour Laws In Europe'..?

    Tony's gameplan for the future seems to have backfired somewhat - Surely Labour will now do the right thing according to their deeply embedded Socialist ideals and bring us back on par with our Eurozone neighbours in terms of Statutory Redundancy Notice periods - Minimum Redundancy Payments...
  20. K

    child labour in the early to mid 19th century?

    does anyone know of any primary sources i can check out or articles or soemthing thats like a political tract of some sort that is against child labour..