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    Staph Infections Rapidly Detected By New Laboratory Method Using Mass Spectrometry

    Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed a new laboratory test that can rapidly identify the bacterium responsible for staph infections. This new test takes advantage of unique isotopic labeling combined with...
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    Method To Produce Proteins In Laboratory Has Now Been Discovered

    The most abundant and important molecules in all living organisms are proteins; after all they manage to participate in every single one of life's essential reactions. So it is easy to see why scientists have been making such a fuss trying to learn how to synthesise them in laboratory as this...
  3. W

    I'm a first degree holder in medical laboratory technology. How can I become a

    Pathologist in the near future? I had my first degree from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
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    Aiming To Speed Cancer Clinical Trials, NCI Partners With Jackson Laboratory, UC Davi

    About nine out of 10 new cancer drugs successfully clear preclinical development hurdles, but then they fail in human clinical testing. A new partnership facilitated by SAIC-Frederick Inc. aims to help change that outcome. The partnership brings together The UC Davis Cancer Center, The Jackson...
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    Release Of First Volume Of New Laboratory Manual Series On Imaging

    Sophisticated techniques that permit the visualization of dynamic processes in cells, tissues, and organ systems at extraordinary levels of resolution have become tremendously valuable in biological research. However, finding the right imaging method and optimizing it for data collection can be...
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    'HATS' Off To The National Physical Laboratory For Innovation In Sound Measurement

    Scientists at the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL) have developed a means of representing a 3D model ear, to help redefine the standard for a pinna simulator (the pinna is the outer part of the ear) - used to measure sound in the way we perceive it. The nature of human hearing is heavily...
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    Laboratory Of The Future Reaches 'Topping Out' Stage, UK

    A new building for the Medical Research Council (MRC) Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) in Cambridge has reached the first major stage of completion, known as 'topping out'. The new building, due to open in 2012, will provide first class facilities to some of the world's leading scientists...
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    Quintiles Central Laboratory In Japan Receives Cap Accreditation

    Quintiles announced that its new lab in Tokyo, Japan has received accreditation from the College of American Pathologists (CAP), joining the largest network of fully harmonized, CAP-accredited central labs in the world. "CAP accreditation has become the international gold standard for quality...
  9. K

    Laboratory Fitness Tests?

    I need to find out about lab fitness tests...any good sites?
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    Do Eggs Matured In The Laboratory Result In Babies With Large Offspring Syndrome?

    A review of studies of babies born after in vitro maturation (IVM) fertility treatment has suggested that they are more likely to be born larger than normal and to have more difficult births requiring more obstetric interventions such as caesareans... More...
  11. M

    Voltage divisors used in high voltage laboratory... what is the diffrence...

    ...between dc and ac voltage divisors? I am interested in knowing more about voltage (tension) divisors used in high power laboratories (more than 10 kV). What is the constructive difference between ac and dc voltage divisors? Please give me some indications were I can read more about this...
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    Voltage divisors used in high voltage laboratory... what is the diffrence...

    ...between dc and ac voltage divisors? I am interested in knowing more about voltage (tension) divisors used in high power laboratories (more than 10 kV). What is the constructive difference between ac and dc voltage divisors? Please give me some indications were I can read more about this...
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    Voltage divisors used in high voltage laboratory... what is the diffrence...

    ...between dc and ac voltage divisors? I am interested in knowing more about voltage (tension) divisors used in high power laboratories (more than 10 kV). What is the constructive difference between ac and dc voltage divisors? Please give me some indications were I can read more about this...