
  1. J

    Why is Plutarch talking with Snow (about Katniss) in the Catching Fire Trailer?

    I read the book like a month ago this year, and I don't remember any discussion of Plutarch and Snow about Katniss in the book or have I just forgotten. And isn't Plutarch a good guy? maybe it's just a facade for Snow IDK But I still wanna see Katniss put the name "SENECA CRANE" on the doll to...
  2. U

    can you give me the page where almost katniss kissed gale?

    its where he says its like kissing a drunk person
  3. L

    In Mockingjay, did Gale truly love Katniss if he was able to leave her so easily?

    Did Gale want Katniss to follow him and tell him that she loved him, or was his guilt over Prim so strong that he just didn't want to ever see Katniss again?
  4. J

    Finished the hunger games books... Does peeta still love katniss?

    Im having doubts about this because he was tortured is it that he ends up with her because of who he used to be or because he still loves her.... Because surely if that was the case he would have tried I dunno something different in the last few chapters x x
  5. M

    If Peeta fell in love with Katniss before the games, Why did he help the others

    try to find her? So I just got done watching the Hunger Games and if its not obvious I haven't read the book so my question is (BTW there will be spoilers for the sake of the question so be warned) about when Katniss was up in the tree and saw Peeta helping the other people find her but then...
  6. I

    Does Petta actually marry Katniss at the end of th 3rd book? Or?...?

    Is there going to be a 4th book? I heard somewhere last summer that there was going to be a 4th book of the Hunger Games.
  7. I

    does katniss truly love peeta?- Hunger Games Q?

    or is it just that they want 2 stay alive? im n the 2nd book i have 2 find out! :]
  8. M

    Peeta and Katniss... is their love real or fake?

    ok so first he declares his love for her in the interview and then Peeta and Haymitch take it back and he joins the Careers and then he gets hurt and hes in love with her again?! im on team Peeta but its confusing so is it real or fake??? o and does Peeta die in Mockingjay???????????????
  9. G

    Mockingjay (Hunger Games #3) Who do you think Katniss will end up with? Who do you

    want to end up with? Gale or Peeta? Question One: Who do you actually think Suzanne Collins will have her end up with, when you look at it objectively, even if it's not what you want? Question Two: Who do you want her to get together with? I choose Peeta for both answers. Questions Three: Do you...
  10. G

    Mockingjay (Hunger Games #3) Who do you think Katniss will end up with? Who do you

    want to end up with? Gale or Peeta? Question One: Who do you actually think Suzanne Collins will have her end up with, when you look at it objectively, even if it's not what you want? Question Two: Who do you want her to get together with? I choose Peeta for both answers. Questions Three: Do you...