
  1. C

    I need help learning the first shotukan karate kata for yellow belt?

    Can you give me advice, or post a website that has a good tutorial for me? Edit: David, I learn at the local wellness center. My test in not until August which is why i havent got instructed on it fully yet, but Im trying to prepare as best i can beforehand. Also, Id rather not have to buy DVDs
  2. J

    How does Kempo Kata work?

    Are they rearranged version of their Chinese equivalent? I know Kempo is the Japanese word for Chuan Fa which is the same as saying Kung Fu. Are kata the same as the Chuan Fa it's from. Like Shorinji Kempo, are the forms the same as Shaolin Kung Fu only harder and not the Wushu style thing...
  3. K

    If you studied kempo for 10 years, and still thought kata was only a dance,

    who would you blame? If the only experience you had with kata was studying a martial art for 10 years, and still thought it was only a prearranged dance, and had no use in learning to defend yourself, would you blame the kata, or your ignorant lame ass instructor that didn't teach you properly...
  4. D

    Karate students and instructors , how often do you practise your Kata?

    & What is your favourite ?
  5. B

    In Traditional Martial Arts... what is the point of Kata?

    . First of all, I am NOT attempting to undermine the importance of Kata!!! So spare me the attacks! I'm doing a bit of research, and I want responses from martial art practitioners... and really would like to know their take on Katas. Because many outsiders would say they see no point to it...
  6. S

    What kata is practiced when you're a Purple Belt and One Stripe in Karate?

    Basically, after you do Heian Godan and get from Purple Belt to Purple And One White Stripe, what kata do you do to get to brown belt, Bassai Dai or Tekki Shodan?
  7. D

    How much kata is in Kenpo (or Kempo) compared with Shotokan?

    or Kyukushin? Do kempo artists do katas even in higher belts? How much time will be needed for it to effective in street self defense when trained regularly (2x a week) Thanks
  8. J

    Can i have some good forms,patterns or kata from any martial art recommended plz?

    im a teenage shotokan karateka and really enjoy doing, learning and exploring martial arts and would like to know even more about them, and in this case forms so if anyone from their martial art wants to tell me one of theirs plz go ahead
  9. C

    What would be good music for a kempo kata?

    I'm planning on performing a kempo kata in a couple of weeks and i wanted to put music in my performance. I need a song that starts off slow for a few seconds then builds up. My kata is maybe 2 minutes at best so i need a good short song.
  10. C

    What would be good music for a kempo kata?

    I'm planning on performing a kempo kata in a couple of weeks and i wanted to put music in my performance. I need a song that starts off slow for a few seconds then builds up. My kata is maybe 2 minutes at best so i need a good short song.
  11. C

    What would be good music for a kempo kata?

    I'm planning on performing a kempo kata in a couple of weeks and i wanted to put music in my performance. I need a song that starts off slow for a few seconds then builds up. My kata is maybe 2 minutes at best so i need a good short song.
  12. O

    is a Kata hajime legal in MMA?

    is kata hajime a legal submission in mixed martial arts.