
  1. S

    Do you prefer the Jimi Hendrix version of "All Along the Watchtower," or Bob...

    Do you prefer the Jimi Hendrix version of "All Along the Watchtower," or Bob... ...Dylan's? ? I would say Bob Dylans, because, for one, it is the original, and I tgink ithas a more surreal tone.
  2. C

    plz tell me the guitar note to voodoo child (jimi hendrix)?

    i just want the intro in numbers thx
  3. G

    The Jimi Hendrix Experience-Axis Bold As Love-(Remastered)-2010-C4

    Category: Music-MP3 (Classic Rock) Size: 63.52 MB Files: 24 (7 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun March 14th 07:28:37 UTC Download NZB
  4. G

    The Jimi Hendrix Experience-Electric Ladyland-(Remastered)-2010-C4

    Category: Music-MP3 (Classic Rock) Size: 121.73 MB Files: 26 (7 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun March 14th 10:57:10 UTC Download NZB
  5. F

    There was troll here before who say that Jimi Hendrix is better than guitar god...

    ...Nick Jonas how dare they? Is blatant trolling to say jiomi hendrix is anywhere near as moosicly skilled as guitar god nick jonas
  6. D

    Was the Jimi Hendrix Experience famous amongst the soldiers in Vietnam?

    a veteran soldier said that its the first album he bought when he returned home
  7. H

    How did jimi hendrix die?

    Jus y did he
  8. B

    How do I get that jimi hendrix voodoo child intro Sound!?

    I think i have the clean sound but that reverb!I have a digitech rp250.How do i get that sound or what could i use.(i know about the jh experience pedal)but i wanna make the sound with out paying 200$!
  9. G

    Jimi Hendrix-White Collection-(WHITE203)-2CD-2008-WRE

    Category: Music-MP3 Size: 185.07 MB Files: 33 (6 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue January 20th 16:37:15 UTC Download NZB