
  1. M

    Ok I had my mirena IUD removed after two years. Me and my boyfriend had sex within

    24hrs after removal twice? In one night. I started to bleed a day later just a gush then it lightened up 3 days after. I completely just stopped bleeding . Now I'm having this white like clear discharge feels like I'm coming on my period but nothing Is their when I wipe. Also lower back pains...
  2. A

    My IUD Is Killing Me With Cramps; Here’s How I’m Coping

    Hey, friends. Remember that IUD I got in a few weeks ago? It's still all up in my uterus--and, because it's that special time in a lady's month when everything goes to hormonal Hell in a handbag, it's making itself known. Don't worry, IUD. I didn't forget about you. You wouldn't let me. Because...
  3. A

    So…I’m Finally Getting An IUD; Let’s Talk About It

    It's no secret that I'm pretty passionate about women's health--and my own desire to not have children. Which is why so many of my friends (and readers) are surprised to hear that I don't have what so many of them have: An IUD. And really, there's no good reason why I don't have one, except that...
  4. A

    Poll: IUD Horror Stories Terrify Me–Are They Bad For Women?

    I have made it clear on this very website that I'm still pretty sure I don't want to have children, which means that, until someone will perform a tubal ligation on my young, young fallopian tubes, I am either chained to expensive and*burdensome*birth control, or I need to invest in an IUD. But...
  5. B

    Can I get an iud inserted while on mentrual cycle?

    I had gotten the depo shot to last me until my iud appointment today. But my period has been on the last 7 days I know its a side effect of the depo my normal periods only last 4 days.
  6. L

    Are all IUD's done with cell phones?

    What happens when the cell phone battery dies? Does it get all blown up?
  7. M

    had iud in for a year no period now this is the second month getting it?

    i had the iud put in about a year ago and now its been the second month and i got my period i also have been gaining a little weight i NEVER gain weight is it the year after that things settle has anything like this happen to anyone on the iud i thought your periods go away not come back with...
  8. T

    Hormone-Release IUD Better Than Hysterectomy For Many Women

    A new study from Finland shows that women who have used a hormone-releasing intra-uterine device fared better than those who had undergone a hysterectomy, indicating the potential to reduce the number of these invasive - and often distressing - operations. The randomized study of 239 women aged...
  9. Y

    having problems with my iud?

    my period has been over some time now so it is not due yet..tonight i noticed cramping and moderate bleeding. i checked my iud strings and they are now somewhat longer..and am i still protected also is it starting to come out?? people with experience please
  10. M

    Mirena IUD pain - it's been in 5 days already! Doctors please help!?

    So i got my mirena in wednesday, i haven't had children so they gave me voltarin and a drug that helps to soften the cervix for dialation. During and after the insertion i was in so much pain, vomiting, sweating, shaking and i couldn't stop moving from the pain. They sent me upstairs to the...
  11. A

    What happens if you don't remove your coil (IUD) when it's due to come out?

    I had a coil (IUD) put in four years ago (it was supposed to come out three years ago). I'm so afraid of the pain of having it taken it out that I keep on putting it off. What will happen if I don't have it taken out for a while longer?
  12. C

    I have an IUD and have questions?

    When I first had my IUD put in I went 7 months before my first period so my symptoms before hand were horrible. Now I get my period every other month. I still get horrible symptoms. Extremely tender breasts, bad cramps, bloading etc. It gets so bad I am sick to my stomach and dizzy. It...
  13. I

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of an IUD?

    I am having a child in June and my husband and I don't want another one for a while (if at all). He suggest an IUD but I'm kind of scared of them. I would rather just take the pill, but missing some pills is what got me pregnant in the first place :) So what do you think? Have you had one?
  14. F

    need help with IUD selection?

    considering an IUD, wondering what the differences are between the copper T30 and the multiload 375 need help asap
  15. L

    Does Anyone Have The IUD Fitted? Help Please? Thanks :)?

    My friend has the same thing in. I think she said afterwards she was very sore and she bled. I found a website that gives info on your specific type of IUD. Here it is and good luck: http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/sex_relationships/facts/contraceptivecoil.htm
  16. K

    Is a Mirena IUD safe for someone with Endometriosis?

    I have endometriosis and the doctor recommended I get an IUD. He said that it would really help with my pain. I went in for the procedure and it went bad. I cried in pain cause it hurt so much. The doctor finally got it in but as he was cutting the string it fell out. After I went for it someone...