
  1. K

    Why isn`t my Android phone compatible with some apps within the Android market?

    Why isn`t my Android phone compatible with some apps within the Android market? And is it possible for it to ever be compatible? Read more: Why isn`t my Android phone compatible with some apps within the Android market? And is it possible for it to ever be compatible? - I`m trying to get subway...
  2. R

    My question mark is an É and pressing ctrl and alt isn`t working!! HALP (10 points!)?

    ...went into the control panel and tried to change the keyboard settings, no luck there either. I have things to write and I am seriously, really, crazily angry over this. And frustrated! 10 points to the computer ninja that helps me, thanks :) Also, this appears to have happened randomly...
  3. A

    Plural God on high: both good + evil mingled. Isn`t this God an oxy-moron...

    ...f-law, witch ends badly, a put off? this f-LAW said be perfect, but this f-LAW was found to be not perfect itself, nor could this f-law make anyone perfect (Hebrews 8 and Hebrews 10) grace and truth said be perfect = be merciful, Mt 5:48 God = Lk 6:36 God, for perfect God has no f-law at...
  4. K

    Isn`t it kind of funny.....?

    That most regular people make as much or even more than the president makes lol, I was talking to my dad about that today. Accually most people make around 700,000 acording to my dad so YA
  5. K

    Isn`t it kind of funny.....?

    That most regular people make as much or even more than the president makes lol, I was talking to my dad about that today. Accually most people make around 700,000 acording to my dad so YA