
  1. T

    BPA In Rivers May Encourage Fish Species To Interbreed

    Exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in the manufacture of polycarbonate and other plastics, changes the appearance and behavior of river fish enough to encourage inter-species breeding, say the authors of a new study published online this week, that warns of the potential threat to...
  2. D

    Could Homo Sapiens Sapiens and Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis interbreed or not?

    I vaguely remember reading about a DNA analysis a few years back that came to the conclusion that the two were too different genetically, and that any crossbreeds would have been infertile, like mules are (from donkeys and horses). Yet recently there have been many stories in the press about...
  3. U

    Can a canary and house sparrow interbreed?

    Just out of curiosity, can a canary and house sparrow interbreed? I know they are different types of birds, but I'm just wondering if that is possible.