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    Innovative Infectious Disease Research On The International Space Station

    Performing sensitive biological experiments is always a delicate affair. Few researchers, however, contend with the challenges faced by Cheryl Nickerson, whose working laboratory aboard the International Space Station (ISS) is located hundreds of miles above the Earth, traveling at some 17,000...
  2. C

    How do people contain infectious diseases?

    I have to write this expository paper for my English 3 class on infectious diseases, and in my third paragraph I have to explain how people can contain them... so yeah...
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    Infectious Disease Stigmas Can Be Influenced By Public Health Messages

    Crafting public health messages about a disease may create stigmas that influence how likely people are to endorse certain interventions, such as isolating infected persons, forcing treatment on them and mapping their location, according to a Penn State researcher. Rachel Smith, associate...
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    The Journal Of The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Probes First Antibiotic Stew

    The Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (JPIDS) has released the largest and most rigorous evaluation to date of the impact on reducing the days of antibiotic therapy in a children's hospital using a prospective-audit-with-feedback antibiotic stewardship program (ASP). The study...
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    Focusing On Sustainability Of Infectious Disease Surveillance

    Just as the globalization of trade and travel is rapidly evolving, so is the globalization of infectious diseases and the need for cooperative approaches to detect, prevent and control them, according to Dr. David Dausey, chair of the Mercyhurst University Public Health Department. The outbreaks...
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    Do You Live Near an Infectious Human-Animal Disease Hotspot? [Visualization]

    Most emerging human diseases
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    Lilly Provides Additional Funding To Infectious Disease Research Institute To Identif

    Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) announced that it is providing more than $4 million in additional funding to the Infectious Disease Research Institute. The funding will allow IDRI to continue its early phase drug discovery efforts focused on identifying new and better therapies in the fight...
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    Structural Genomics Project Creates Blueprint For Infectious Disease And Biodefense R

    The September issue of the online scientific journal Acta Crystallographica: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications (Acta Cryst F) will consist entirely of work done at the Seattle Structural Genomics Center for Infectious Disease (SSGCID), a consortium of researchers from Seattle...
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    Dana-Farber Receives $5.6M Grant To Develop Rapid Countermeasures To Infectious Agent

    Researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have received a $5.6 million grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Army Research Office (ARO) to develop transient immunity against known, unknown, naturally occurring, or engineered disease-causing pathogens. The...
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    Automated UV-C Device Reduces Infectious Pathogens In Hospital Patient Rooms By More

    Results of an eight-month hospital study, "Room Decontamination with UV Radiation," were published in the October 2010 issue of "Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology." The study evaluated the ability of an automated UV device, Tru-D, to decontaminate patient rooms contaminated with MRSA...
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    How do you know you have Infectious mononucleosis?symptoms?

    if i go to my doctor, what do i tell him to do to check if i have it. i don't wanna sound too crazy or too corcern because he thinks its just me but i read some symptoms of that and i can relate to that but who know it might be something else. or.., idk.
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    Also In Global Health News: Infectious Disease; Aid Money Needed For Afghanistan, Hai

    Species Extinction Could Lead Humans To Become More Vulnerable To Infectious Diseases "[T]he loss of biodiversity may make humans more vulnerable to infectious diseases," according to a review article published Thursday in the journal Nature, VOA News reports (DeCapua, 12/6). "The review...
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    National Foundation For Infectious Diseases Statement In Support Of National Influenz

    The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) supports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) annual observance of National Influenza Vaccination Week to communicate the importance and availability of influenza vaccination into the winter months and beyond. It is...
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    What are the series of events that occur once an infectious agent is introduced ..?

    .. within any tissue of the body? I tried searching but couldn't find any satisfying results. Please help. Thank u =)
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    Nearly 400 Medicines And Vaccines In Development To Fight Infectious Diseases

    Critical challenges remain in the centuries-old battles against infectious diseases, particularly as bacteria and viruses mutate and as the threat of bioterrorism grows. Responding to this need, America's biopharmaceutical research companies this year have 395 new medicines and vaccines in the...
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    Nearly 70 Percent Of Surveyed Infectious Disease Specialists And Internists Will Use

    Decision Resources, one of the world's leading research and advisory firms for pharmaceutical and healthcare issues, finds that, in first- and second-line treatment of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), nearly 70 percent of surveyed infectious disease specialists and internists will use...
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    New Edition Of Infectious Diseases Announced By Elsevier

    Elsevier, the world-leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, proudly announces the release of Infectious Diseases, 3rd Edition. Presented in an engaging multi-media format that includes a robust set of interactive and online features, this...
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    How long is Strep Throat Infectious for?

    Hey, so I started getting strep on tuesday. I got diagnosed yesterday and began taking anti-biotics and painkillers as prescribed. My friends birthday is tonight and while feeling much better my thraot is a bit scratchy still, but they want me to go to the party. Im more worried about making...
  19. A

    i have a couple questions about infectious mononucleosis..?

    ok so im doing this project in science about viruses/bacteria and im doing my virus on "INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS" (mono) and here are my questions: (please try to answer as many as you can) 1. How dangerous is it considered? 2. Can it kill you? 3.How many victims has it effected? 4. What are the...