
  1. K

    Do you think Americans have developed an immunity towards Gang violence and

    high crime rate? I think they have. American cities are far far more violent than any in Europe, Canada, Australia or Japan.
  2. T

    Childhood Exposure To Germs May Help Immunity

    A new study of mice supports the idea that exposure to germs in childhood helps develop the immune system and thereby prevent allergies and other immune-related diseases such as asthma and colitis later on in life. Researchers at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, US, led the study...
  3. T

    Disrupted Body Clock Weakens Immunity

    A new study published this week in the journal Immunity suggests that when our body clock is disrupted, it weakens the immune system. We already know that the circadian clock is a finely tuned genetic mechanism that regulates body functions that follow a 24-hour cycle, such as sleep patterns...
  4. S

    Should Diplomatic Immunity be abolished?

    So many foreign Embassies based in London owe millions of pounds in unpaid fines (USA being one of the worst, African States also). Embassies also protect their Nationals who have been accused of serious crimes. The whole system is outdated and should be abandoned in the 21st century.
  5. A

    Do you agree with 0bama's Administration?Vatican’s claim of immunity to sexual

    abuse lawsuits?
  6. A

    Do you agree with 0bama's Administration?Vatican’s claim of immunity to sexual

    abuse lawsuits?
  7. T

    Ageing Gene Found To Govern Lifespan, Immunity And Resilience

    Scientists funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) at the University of Birmingham have discovered that a gene called DAF-16 is strongly involved in determining the rate of ageing and average lifespan of the laboratory worm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)...
  8. T

    Ageing Gene Found To Govern Lifespan, Immunity And Resilience

    Scientists funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) at the University of Birmingham have discovered that a gene called DAF-16 is strongly involved in determining the rate of ageing and average lifespan of the laboratory worm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)...
  9. T

    Ageing Gene Found To Govern Lifespan, Immunity And Resilience

    Scientists funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) at the University of Birmingham have discovered that a gene called DAF-16 is strongly involved in determining the rate of ageing and average lifespan of the laboratory worm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)...
  10. T

    A Poorly Understood Cell Plays Role In Immunity Against The Flu

    A new understanding of a certain cell in the immune system may help guide scientists in creating better flu vaccines, report researchers from the Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine and the Immune Disease Institute at Children's Hospital Boston (PCMM/IDI). Reporting online March 21 in...
  11. T

    A Poorly Understood Cell Plays Role In Immunity Against The Flu

    A new understanding of a certain cell in the immune system may help guide scientists in creating better flu vaccines, report researchers from the Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine and the Immune Disease Institute at Children's Hospital Boston (PCMM/IDI). Reporting online March 21 in...
  12. X

    Why do atheists claim immunity to Poe's Law? (After all, the definition...

    ...applies to ALL rigid fundamentalists.)? Or is rigid, intractable, and woefully uninformed belief found ONLY among "them and not me"?
  13. G

    The Diplomats-Diplomatic Immunity 2-2004-NHH INT

    Category: Music-MP3 Size: 130.74 MB Files: 26 (6 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri February 6th 08:43:28 UTC Download NZB
  14. G

    The Diplomats-Diplomatic Immunity 1-2CD-2003-RNS

    Category: Music-MP3 Size: 229.59 MB Files: 37 (7 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sun January 25th 17:53:37 UTC Download NZB
  15. M

    Should Cindy & George Anthony be given immunity?

    What are they afraid of?,2933,474746,00.html