
  1. R

    Why do Muslims and Christians (not all) make up the most illogical stereotypes?

    Thing like "Atheists know in their hearts that God exists and are just rebelling" (lolwut?) and "Homosexuals eat feces" (the smallest percentage. there are weird heterosexuals that do it to) and "All Christians are caring & loving people" (not meaning to insult the ones who are. i appreciate you...
  2. A

    As a Christian,do you ever feel embarrassed about the many illogical Youtube

    rants against atheism & evolution? Why does it seem like it is always the most uninformed and illogical "Christians" among us who tend to represent "Biblical Christianity" on websites such as Youtube? ===================================================== OPTIONAL DETAILS: Even if I share...
  3. A

    Christians...Is having faith illogical?

    I am Christian but find that there is no real logic in believing in a God, but found it to be the best why to live and believe.
  4. J

    isnt it wierd we laugh at illogical things and cry about thing that seem true?

    is there any link between these things and existance?
  5. A

    Why is it illogical to argue that marijuana should be legal because alcohol... more harmful, yet legal? Is it not reasonable to expect the legal substances to be safer than the illegal ones? Preventing potential harm to oneself/others is the basis for outlawing substances in the first place, right? Please only answer my question, no ramblings on the topic in general.
  6. G

    is it irrational or illogical to laugh at one's own answer?

    So I was looking back at my answers, and I couldn't stop laughing at this one:;_ylt=Al6AshmJMchxZ3A7ovj8WbXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110324231813AA4rqMi I kept thinking to myself, "WOW I am a total genius..."
  7. H

    Is a love relationship too illogical and risky?

    When you fall in love your mind gets biased and your perspective changes slowly but surely. You don't really think clearly as you use to on some subjects and slowly change to suit your partner over time. Everyone always says they don't change, but they do, they just don't notice it. Eventually...
  8. B

    Do you agree that the Christians God is illogical?

    I am not the smartest guy but I know that when something is perfect then its complete and filled with excellence and perfection. It doesn't make any sense as to why a Perfect God makes things, why would he do that? Even if he was bored, then why would he make imperfect things? And EVEN IF he...
  9. R

    How come Jesus Christ is illogical?

    I'm pretty sure that historical documents have proven that Jesus Christ existed... however, the Bible says that in order to get to Heaven, you have to believe that Jesus is God's Son and accept him as your savior... However, there are people in third-world countries who are NEVER EVEN told who...
  10. R

    How come Jesus Christ is illogical?

    I'm pretty sure that historical documents have proven that Jesus Christ existed... however, the Bible says that in order to get to Heaven, you have to believe that Jesus is God's Son and accept him as your savior... However, there are people in third-world countries who are NEVER EVEN told who...
  11. R

    How come Jesus Christ is illogical?

    I'm pretty sure that historical documents have proven that Jesus Christ existed... however, the Bible says that in order to get to Heaven, you have to believe that Jesus is God's Son and accept him as your savior... However, there are people in third-world countries who are NEVER EVEN told who...
  12. E

    Is it illogical how we view men and women's potential sexuality?

    I often hear - men are more sexual because they can impregnate literally millions of women in their lifetime, whereas women are much more limited. But it is also true that a women can have literally millions of partners in her lifetime, whereas a man is much more limited. Kings may have...
  13. M

    Is it not fair to say that the concept of infinity is an illogical impossibility?

    I cannot conceive of anything that has no end. Everything must have a defined conclusion, since everything is comprised of physical matter. Try to imagine a ladder that is infinite. You could theoretically climb it for the remainder of your life, and you would never reach the top, because it has...