
  1. I

    Why do Iibs act as if the 'lilly ledbetter act' did much more than Civil Rights Act

    of 1964? already on the books except changed how the statute of limitations is calculated? http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203406404578070970214587846.html
  2. I

    Will Iibs ever realize they will continually be perplexed so long as they BOX their

    'free thinking'? within the CONSTRUCTS of a system that suggests you're a 'worker' or a 'thinker',a 'business' or an 'employee', 'greedy' or 'oppressed'? Don't be such a tool.
  3. I

    Time for Iibs to tar & feather grandfather of modern progressives,Nader,for

    Iabeling Obama worse than? Bush? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/25/ralph-nader-says-obama-is-war-criminal-worse-than-george-bush_n_1914154.html?utm_hp_ref=politics