
  1. A

    Why are you asking hypocrites, non believers, lost and astray and shytan about...

    ...your religion that is given? Chapter 1 is states clearly what you begged for and what you wish of Allah. Not to be lost not be those who angered him and to be on a guided clear path. Yet you turn to shytan for this? Is there any reason why? Did Allah SWT tell you he was going to make an...
  2. J

    Why Are Celebrities Hypocrites?

    If someone takes a photo of them naked on a beach they get upset... But they create a film with a nude scene??
  3. DrDeanCrosby

    Scientific Evidence That Most Christians Are A Bunch Of Hypocrites

    Why is the principal complaint against Christians,that they are hypocrites,so popularly wide-spread among non-Christians?Now a scientifically conducted study has given us a definitive answer to that question.Ready? BECAUSE IT'S TRUE ! At the very heart of Jesus' teachings lies love and...
  4. R

    Why are religious people such hypocrites?

    I believe that all of religions came from cultural myths that spread over time and became the massive religions that we know today. All though, I do believe the values in all positive religious are absolutely right, we should treat one another with love, BUT that's another topic. My question is...
  5. M

    Christians, What did Jesus say happens to the hypocrites in the end?

    Does this indicate that you can be saved and lose your salvation? Thanks.
  6. L

    Atheists are hypocrites?

    Why do atheists pick on Christians who have no power, when they could use the Word of God itself to condemn the liar Obama. It seems you really don't care whether they are Christian or not, you just want someone to serve you lies and then when those lies run out, you will worship the devil...
  7. P

    Why don't liberals and conservatives realize they are both hypocrites?

    Conservatives are always talking about economic freedom and then about how people shouldn't have personal freedoms. Liberals are always talking about personal freedoms and then about how people shouldn't have economic freedom. Economic freedom and personal freedom are both sides of the same...
  8. L

    Are women hypocrites when the issue is sex ?

    I was earlier asking a general question regarding selling sex on internet but it didnt mention anything about contact and I received one answer from a woman saying STD and etc. Arent women the ones practicing this job ? if they dont like it why they dont do anything against it, to stop it...
  9. L

    Are women hypocrites when the issue is sex ?

    I was earlier asking a general question regarding selling sex on internet but it didnt mention anything about contact and I received one answer from a woman saying STD and etc. Arent women the ones practicing this job ? if they dont like it why they dont do anything against it, to stop it...
  10. M

    Are we Americans hypocrites when it comes to tolerance or do we allow ourselves to

    be manipulated politically? Sorry to pick on Mormons and Muslims here, but this is what has been in the news recently: Many Liberals are passionate about defending the mosque near ground zero. They condemn the hate speech and lies concerning Muslims. Because of Prop 8, Mormons are fair game...
  11. A

    Are the Obama's hypocrites when it comes to vacationing anywhere but the gulf?

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1300240/Michelle-Obama-goes-walkabout-Marbella-racist-Spaniards-gaff.html 60 Rooms at a 5 star resort. A huge entourage. Do you think the gulf coast could have used those tourism dollars then an area for rich gamblers in Southern Spain?
  12. T

    Anyone else think Christians are hypocrites?

    I'm not saying all of them, but in general a lot of them tend to be. They'll try to preach to me, but the moment I try to debate the existence of Jesus, they get all defensive. Its not like I'm trying to shove my beliefs down their throat. I just like to try and find out what makes people...
  13. D

    Why are a lot of christians hypocrites?

    Once again, I pose this question. Somebody complained to Yahoo and petitioned to have this question removed. They only succeeded in proving my point. My question was why can christians put up billboards stating "God" or like and have churches with prominent crosses; but if an Atheist...
  14. W

    Is it fair to say that the majority of the Lesbian community are hypocrites?

    I've heard time and time again that many lesbian women refuse to date bisexual women because they do not like the fact that they have been with men. It goes without saying that lesbians seek to be judged on other aspects of themselves that go beyond their sexuality. That their sexuality not...
  15. L

    Are Christians hypocrites for demanding freedom of religion and full civil rights...

    ...while whining about? persecution that doesn't exist ? All the while they try to legislate away the freedoms and rights of others on biblical grounds ? Then if people get mad enough to fight back or win against their bigoted laws they cry about their rights to force others to pray to their god...
  16. J

    Are republicans hypocrites complaining about pork and ear marks?

    They did not seem to have a problem with it when Pork spending soared under George Bush. http://www.tennessean.com/article/20090223/OPINION02/90220055 No pinheads, and what's your source on that? Please provide us with a link, if you can lol Altair 1, 60% of what? The bush pork barrel spending...
  17. J

    Why are you Brits such hypocrites. You support torture and then whine when...

    ...other countries do it.? Could you imagine the outrage if the Chinese govt had been discovered to have ordered the slashing of a prisoner's genitals? ************ For those who don't know these are already more than just allegations: The 2 high court judges presiding over the case of Binyam...