
  1. M

    books similar to hush,hush, fallen, and angelfire?

    i was just wondering if anyone knew any good books that are similar to Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, Fallen by Lauren Kate and Angelfire by Courtney Alison Moulton. These are my three favourite series, and they all have stuff to do with angels and myths and stuff. So if anyone has any good...
  2. R

    Batman: Hush and sequels?

    SO I want to buy Batman: Hush and then Heart of Hush and House of Hush, but I was wondering if they are in one large book or if I have to buy them all serpeatly on amazon, which is a bit of hassle. So just wondering, and if so where can I get it online (in one book)?
  3. D

    Should i get Batman: Long Halloween or Batman: Hush?

    I can only get one for Christmas, in your opinion which is best? Thanks in advance! :D
  4. S

    where can i buy the book hush hush?

    the book hush hush by Becca Fitzpatrick i try to buy the book from itunes store but i coudnt there is no longer any books in the us store hellp me please :( the only way to buy it is from the itunes store cause i have money there please hellp me if u have any site that give me a...
  5. G

    The Hush Sound-So Sudden-2005-RTB

    Category: Music-MP3 (Indie) Size: 59.70 MB Files: 21 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue March 9th 11:17:35 UTC Download NZB
  6. G

    The Hush Sound-Like Vines-2006-MP3

    Category: Music-MP3 (Rock) Size: 57.27 MB Files: 20 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Tue March 9th 11:05:40 UTC Download NZB
  7. H

    What happens in the book Hush,Hush?

    i ant to know what happens in the book as i haven't got it yet. Cant get it anywhere.
  8. A

    Looking for music like 'The Hush Sound', 'Panic! At the Disco', 'The Feeling',

    'Counting Crows', 'Fastball'? Right now I'm looking for bands/singers/etc that have the same sort of feel to them (aka, like a carnival/retro/upbeat with melancholic lyrics/really deep or emotional lyrics on really upbeat music). Anything like this would really help.