
  1. M

    what are good hotlines that make you laugh for vancouver bc? NOT THE REJECTION...

    ...HOTLINE? if you put rejection hotline i will have lost faith in all human intelligence, hotlines that crack you up i cant find any on google so dont tell me to search, that is why im asking here (: kthnx? now, any funny hotline i need a pick me up (:
  2. J

    Do suicide hotlines call 911 on you if you are suicidal or about to attempt suicide ?

    Can you call a suicide hotline and just vent and let it all out, no matter what you say. I need to vent. And just get things off my cheat even though some of the things on my mind are very overwhelming and crazy. I want to kill myself I do. I need to , and I'm at my wits end. Can I call a...