
  1. A

    Are pagans who ones who come up with the Jesus = Horus rumor?

    Because it certainly wasn't atheists. We're not that stupid and/or underhanded. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtrZNTbBuiFHDjK8.wwxqabty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130306131725AAjbYXE @going ftw That's rubbish. Go get a real education please.
  2. U

    Jehovah , Allah, Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Jupiter, Saturn, Yahweh, Horus,...

    ...Seth, and Hades? All Have Two Things In Common, Name Them. 1. They all exist 2. They all have names
  3. J

    Horus vs Jesus Christ?

    Hmm.. both born on december 25th to Mary. Both crucified and ressurected. Both called the 'alpha and omega' and had 12 diciples. Horus: My point is that christianity is a pure copy of the eygptian religion
  4. H

    Can someone help me find a credible source that states Horus was born of a virgin?

    Anything. Anything at all. But remember, I'm looking for a credible source.
  5. O

    Story of Horus best book??

    Im looking for the best book which tells and explains the life of Horus from birth and then. Which also has references to hieroglyphics in Egypt. Im looking for something with lots of sources. Can you suggest any?????
  6. D

    What is going to happen when, Jesus, Ahura Mazda, Quetzalcoatl, Anu, and Horus all

    come back in 2012? ....more? These are all sky gods or gods that went up into the sky to the stars and said they would return. What will happen if they all show up at the same time on Dec, 21, 2012.